Help with debugging rover sketch

I have built a differential steering rover. Drive motors are HS-311 continuous rotation servos, I have 3 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors and I am using HC06 bluetooth module from vertronix. Battery pack is 6x AA (9volts) and the arduino for now is powered through USB. I am also using standard libraries downloaded from arduino.

I have tested the motors and ultrasonics separately and they are working fine. I can run the robot with an autonomous avoider sketch and it works. With my bluetooth remote piece, I can't even get it to go autonomous...motors don't run with the new sketch.

I've tried debugging by using led 13 on/off signals put at various points and sometimes it seems it makes one full loop and other times it gets caught just after initializing bluetooth. I have attached my current sketch as a text file.

Thanks for any help.

#include <LUltrasonic.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Servo.h>

void measureDistances();
void findPathLoop();
void moveLoop();
void remoteControlLoop();

//bluetooth data
char data;
char incomingByte;

#define RxD 12
#define TxD 13

SoftwareSerial blueToothSerial(RxD,TxD);
long duration, distance, leftsensor, rightsensor, centersensor;

unsigned long lastTimeCommand, autoOFF = 1000;

const int trigPinFrontLeft = 9;
const int pingEchoFrontLeft = 8;
const int trigPinCenter = 11;
const int pingEchoCenter = 10;
const int trigPinFrontRight = A3;
const int pingEchoFrontRight = A2;
int maximumRange = 300;
int minimumRange = 0;
//long duration, distance;

Servo leftmotor;
Servo rightmotor;

typedef enum tagStateType

StateType currentStateType = StateTypeMove;
StateType previousStateType;

void setupBlueToothConnection()

void setup()
//    Serial.begin(9600);
  leftmotor.attach(4); //D4
  rightmotor.attach(5); //D5
  rightmotor.writeMicroseconds(1560);  // Stop 
  pinMode(trigPinFrontLeft, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pingEchoFrontLeft, INPUT);
  pinMode(trigPinFrontRight, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pingEchoFrontRight, INPUT);
  pinMode(trigPinCenter, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pingEchoCenter, INPUT);

    pinMode(RxD, INPUT);
    pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT);
    long duration, leftsensor, rightsensor, centersensor;
void loop()
    if (currentStateType != StateTypeRemoteControl)
        if (blueToothSerial.available())
            currentStateType = StateTypeRemoteControl;
    switch (currentStateType)
        case StateTypeMove:
        case StateTypeFindPath:
        case StateTypeRemoteControl:

void moveLoop()
    if (previousStateType != currentStateType)
        previousStateType = currentStateType;
     if (centersensor >=25)
   if (centersensor <25)
        currentStateType = StateTypeFindPath;

void findPathLoop()
    if (previousStateType != currentStateType)
        previousStateType = currentStateType;
    if (leftsensor > rightsensor)  //turn left if left is clear
      delay (3000);
    if (leftsensor < rightsensor)  //turn right if right is clear
      delay (3000);
       // motorController.stopMoving();
        rightmotor.writeMicroseconds(1560);  // Stop
        currentStateType = StateTypeMove;

void remoteControlLoop()
    if (blueToothSerial.available())
        incomingByte =;
        char ch =;
  if (ch == 'f') {
       //go forward
   if (ch == 'b') {
      // go backwards
   if (ch == 'l') {
      // turn left
   if (ch == 'r') { 
       // turn right
   if (ch == 's') { 
       // stop
        lastTimeCommand = millis();
    if (millis() >= (lastTimeCommand + autoOFF))
       // motorController.stopMoving();
        rightmotor.writeMicroseconds(1560);  // Stop
        currentStateType = StateTypeMove;
        previousStateType = StateTypeRemoteControl;


void measureDistances()
 long duration, leftsensor, rightsensor, centersensor;
 leftsensor=40;  //default distances in case ultrasonic sensor stops working.  This
 //will make the robot go in circles.

  //Before moving we need to check the sensors

 digitalWrite(trigPinFrontLeft, LOW);
 digitalWrite(trigPinFrontLeft, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(trigPinFrontLeft, LOW);
 duration = pulseIn(pingEchoFrontLeft, HIGH);

 // convert the time into a distance
 leftsensor = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);
 // calculate the distance in cm based on speed of sound
 //distance = duration/58.2; enable to use com display to read ultrasonic sensor
 //Serial.println(distance); enable to use com display to read ultrasonic sensor

 digitalWrite(trigPinFrontRight, LOW);
 digitalWrite(trigPinFrontRight, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(trigPinFrontRight, LOW);
 duration = pulseIn(pingEchoFrontRight, HIGH);
 rightsensor = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);
 digitalWrite(trigPinCenter, LOW);
 digitalWrite(trigPinCenter, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(trigPinCenter, LOW);
 duration = pulseIn(pingEchoCenter, HIGH);
 centersensor = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);
long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds)
  return microseconds / 29/ 2;

rover.txt (6.36 KB)

you may want to break out your bluetooth serial and make sure you have that all working.


these are functions not LOOPS, FYI. It happens that the (special) loop() function is handled differently by the compiler (called over and over) but that's it.

The bluetooth sets up fine, and the program will make it to just before the Move() loop...

The bluetooth sets up fine, and the program will make it to just before the Move() loop...

the Move() function...

I guess programming help questions are tiresome to most people. I am also at a bit of a loss at replies that people give. I get it, there are tonnes of people asking for help, I would argue why reply if it isn't help, but i guess people are just trying to up thier status or karma. That being said, I did figure out my programming problem and it wasn't my loops, wasn't the move() "function", it was a bad definition. PM me and I will send my sketch if you want it, I am sure there are people trying to build thier first robot and would like autonomous and bluetooth remote functions.

If you travel through Bolivia and ask for directions in Putonghua, you may not get what you need or understand what you get.

If you make the effort an learn a few words like "derecho" and "izquierda" and you may get closer to your destination a little quicker.

good to see you got it figured out, though.

A lot of times programming is so specific to an application that it is difficult for folks to assist, because it requires a lot of steps to debut it. that is particularly true when hardware is involved.

Without having your setup in front of them, it is the analog of not knowing where in Bolivia they are standing when you ask for directions.