Help with external power source

I recently purchase CTC Go Motions kit for my classroom. I went to try out Activity 2 in the Making Things Move lesson and when I plugged in the external battery pack to teh breadboard the positive and negative wires of the external battery pack melted together and started smoking. Separated the wires and checked the wiring and cannot find any errors. Cannot find any guidance on the tutorials about issues with the battery pack or circumstances that could cause this. Very confused.

Link, please.

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You sorted them at the end, but the wires melted with the heat! Remove the batteries and show us a photo of how you connected everything.

Here is my set up. I think that initially I may have connected the 5V pin from the board to the same +ve breadboard circuit as the external power source.

Now the program is not working from Lesson 1 Activity 2 of CTC GO MOTION curriculum as it is wired in this photo.

Also, I keep getting this message:

avrdude: WARNING: invalid value for unused bits in fuse "fuse5", should be set to 1 according to datasheet
This behaviour is deprecated and will result in an error in future version
You probably want to use 0xcd instead of 0xc9 (double check with your datasheet first).

Your board either came with a ancient firmware, or you didn't select the board type correctly.

That's a Uno WiFi, not just a uno. When did we last have one of those?
(note: check the "rev" mark on top of the "uno wifi" mark)

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