Help with getting IRsend to work properly

Attempting to get an IR transmitter to recreate codes from a Fujitsu Air Unit Remote AR-RCF1U

Using IRrecvDump on an Arduino Uno R3 to get codes produced by original remote

#include <IRremote.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4);  // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display

int recvPin = 3;
IRrecv irrecv(recvPin);

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600);   // Status message will be sent to PC at 9600 baud
  irrecv.enableIRIn();  // Start the receiver
  lcd.init();                      // initialize the lcd 

  lcd.print("Hello, world!");
  lcd.print("Waiting 4 IR signal");

void loop()
  decode_results  results;        // Somewhere to store the results

  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) 
    dumpInfo(&results);         // Output the results
    dumpRaw(&results);        // Output the results in RAW format
    dumpCode(&results);      // Output the results as source code
    Serial.println("");               // Blank line between entries
    irrecv.resume();                // Prepare for the next value

void ircode(decode_results *results)
    lcd.setCursor(0, 2);                                        // 
    lcd.print("Code: ");
  // Panasonic has an Address
  if (results->decode_type == PANASONIC)
    Serial.print(results->address, HEX);

    lcd.print(results->address, HEX);

  // Print Code
  Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
  lcd.print(results->value, HEX);


void encoding(decode_results *results)
  switch (results->decode_type) 
    case UNKNOWN:      Serial.print("UNKNOWN");         lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: UNKNOWN");       break;
    case NEC:          Serial.print("NEC");             lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: NEC");           break;
    case SONY:         Serial.print("SONY");            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: SONY");          break;
    case RC5:          Serial.print("RC5");             lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: RC5");           break;
    case RC6:          Serial.print("RC6");             lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: RC6");           break;
//    case DISH:         Serial.print("DISH");          break ;
    case SHARP:        Serial.print("SHARP");           lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: SHARP");         break;
    case JVC:          Serial.print("JVC");             lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: JVC");           break;
//    case SANYO:        Serial.print("SANYO");         break ;
//    case MITSUBISHI:   Serial.print("MITSUBISHI");    break ;
    case SAMSUNG:      Serial.print("SAMSUNG");         lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: SAMSUNG");       break;
    case LG:           Serial.print("LG");              lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: LG");            break;
    case WHYNTER:      Serial.print("WHYNTER");         lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: WHYHTER");       break;
//    case AIWA_RC_T501: Serial.print("AIWA_RC_T501");  break ;
    case PANASONIC:    Serial.print("PANASONIC");       lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: PANASONIC");     break;
    case DENON:        Serial.print("Denon");           lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Encoding: Denon");         break;

void dumpInfo(decode_results *results)
  // Check if the buffer overflowed
  if (results->overflow)
    Serial.println("IR code too long. Edit IRremoteInt.h and increase RAWBUF");

  // Show Encoding standard
  Serial.print("Encoding  : ");

  lcd.setCursor(3, 0);                                        // 
  lcd.print("IR Signal Read");

  // Show Code & length
  Serial.print("Code      : ");
  Serial.print(" (");
  Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
  Serial.println(" bits)");

void dumpRaw(decode_results *results)
  // Print Raw data
  Serial.print(results->rawlen-1, DEC);
  Serial.println("]: ");

  lcd.setCursor(0, 3);                                        // 
  lcd.print("Timing: ");
  lcd.print(results->rawlen-1, DEC);

  for (int i = 1;  i < results->rawlen;  i++)
    unsigned long  x = results->rawbuf[i] * USECPERTICK;
    if (!(i & 1))
    { // even
      if (x < 1000)  Serial.print(" ") ;
      if (x < 100)   Serial.print(" ") ;
      Serial.print(x, DEC);
   {  // odd
      Serial.print("     ");
      if (x < 1000)  Serial.print(" ") ;
      if (x < 100)   Serial.print(" ") ;
      Serial.print(x, DEC);
      if (i < results->rawlen-1) Serial.print(", "); //',' not needed for last one
    if (!(i % 8))  Serial.println("");
  Serial.println("");                    // Newline

void dumpCode(decode_results *results)
  // Start declaration
  Serial.print("unsigned int  ");          // variable type
  Serial.print("rawData[");                // array name
  Serial.print(results->rawlen - 1, DEC);  // array size
  Serial.print("] = {");                   // Start declaration

  // Dump data
  for (int i = 1;  i < results->rawlen;  i++)
    Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i] * USECPERTICK, DEC);
    if ( i < results->rawlen-1 ) Serial.print(","); // ',' not needed on last one
    if (!(i & 1))  Serial.print(" ");
  // End declaration
  Serial.print("};");  // 

  // Comment
  Serial.print("  // ");
  Serial.print(" ");

  // Newline

  // Now dump "known" codes
  if (results->decode_type != UNKNOWN) 
    // Some protocols have an address
    if (results->decode_type == PANASONIC)
      Serial.print("unsigned int  addr = 0x");
      Serial.print(results->address, HEX);

    // All protocols have data
    Serial.print("unsigned int  data = 0x");
    Serial.print(results->value, HEX);

Get the following in the Serial output pressing:

Power On Auto[Mode: Auto|Cool|Dry|Fan|Heat] 72 Auto[Fan: Auto|High|Med|Low|Quiet]

Encoding  : PANASONIC
Code      : 2002:60008087 (48 bits)
     +3200, -1600     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 350     + 450, -1200
     + 400, - 350     + 450, -1200     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 350
     + 450, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 450, -1150     + 450, - 350
     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 350     + 450, -1200     + 400, -1200
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 350
     + 450, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 400, -1200
     + 400, -1200     + 400, -1200     + 400, -1200     + 450, -1150
     + 450, -1200     + 400, -1200     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, -1200     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400
unsigned int  rawData[111] = {3200,1600, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,350, 450,1200, 400,400, 400,350, 450,400, 400,1200, 450,1150, 450,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 450,350, 450,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 450,350, 450,350, 450,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,1200, 400,1200, 400,1200, 400,1200, 450,1150, 450,1200, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400};  // PANASONIC 2002:60008087
unsigned int  addr = 0x2002;
unsigned int  data = 0x60008087;

Power Off

Encoding  : PANASONIC
Code      : 2002:60008084 (48 bits)
     +3200, -1600     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 350     + 450, -1150
     + 450, - 350     + 450, -1200     + 400, - 350     + 450, - 350
     + 450, - 350     + 450, -1200     + 400, -1200     + 450, - 300
     + 500, - 350     + 450, - 350     + 450, -1150     + 450, -1200
     + 400, - 350     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 450, - 300     + 450, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 350
     + 450, - 350     + 450, -1200     + 400, - 300     + 500, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 400, - 350     + 450, - 400
     + 450, - 350     + 450, - 350     + 450, -1200     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200
     + 450, -1150     + 450, -1200     + 400, -1200     + 400
unsigned int  rawData[111] = {3200,1600, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1150, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,1200, 450,300, 500,350, 450,350, 450,1150, 450,1200, 400,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,400, 400,400, 400,400, 450,300, 450,400, 400,400, 450,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,300, 500,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,350, 450,400, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,1200, 450,1150, 450,1200, 400,1200, 400};  // PANASONIC 2002:60008084
unsigned int  addr = 0x2002;
unsigned int  data = 0x60008084;

Auto[Mode: Auto|Cool|Dry|Fan|Heat] 74 Auto[Fan: Auto|High|Med|Low|Quiet]

Encoding  : PANASONIC
Code      : 2002:60008087 (48 bits)
     +3200, -1650     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200
     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 450     + 350, -1250     + 350, -1250     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 350     + 450, -1200     + 400, -1200
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 450     + 350, - 400     + 400, - 450
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 450
     + 350, - 450     + 350, -1250     + 350, - 450     + 400, - 400
     + 400, - 400     + 400, - 400     + 400, -1200     + 400, -1200
     + 450, -1200     + 350, -1250     + 350, -1250     + 400, -1200
     + 400, -1200     + 400, -1200     + 450, - 350     + 400, - 400
     + 400, -1250     + 400, - 400     + 350, - 450     + 350
unsigned int  rawData[111] = {3200,1650, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,450, 350,1250, 350,1250, 400,400, 400,400, 400,350, 450,1200, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,450, 350,400, 400,450, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,450, 350,450, 350,1250, 350,450, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,1200, 450,1200, 350,1250, 350,1250, 400,1200, 400,1200, 400,1200, 450,350, 400,400, 400,1250, 400,400, 350,450, 350};  // PANASONIC 2002:60008087
unsigned int  addr = 0x2002;
unsigned int  data = 0x60008087;

Here's the code for the transmitter on another Aruino Uno R3

// Fujitsu AR-RCF1U
#include <IRLibAll.h>
//#include <IRremote.h>

IRsend mySender;

const int buttonOnPin = 7;      // Pin for On @ Auto 72 Auto button
const int buttonOffPin = 8;     // Pin for Off button
const int pinSendIR = 3;        // choose any pin to send IR signals
int buttonState = 0;            // variable for reading the pushbutton status

uint16_t address = 0x2002;      // Given from IRrecvDump with original remote
//Power Off
uint32_t powerOff = 0x60008084; // Original 33F10136 - Also came up 60008084 
//Provided by IRrecvDump
unsigned int  rawOff[111] = {3200,1600, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1150, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,1200, 450,300, 500,350, 450,350, 450,1150, 450,1200, 400,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,400, 400,400, 400,400, 450,300, 450,400, 400,400, 450,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,300, 500,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,350, 450,400, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,1200, 450,1150, 450,1200, 400,1200, 400};  // PANASONIC 2002:60008084

//Power On Auto[Mode: Cool|Dry|Fan|Heat] 72 Auto[Fan: High|Med|Low|Quiet]
uint32_t powerOn = 0x60008087;  // Original FC2D425F - Also came up 60008087
//Provided by IRrecvDump
unsigned int  rawOn[111] = {3200,1600, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,350, 450,1200, 400,400, 400,350, 450,400, 400,1200, 450,1150, 450,350, 450,350, 450,350, 450,1200, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 450,350, 450,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 450,350, 450,350, 450,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,1200, 400,1200, 400,1200, 400,1200, 450,1150, 450,1200, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400,1200, 400,400, 400,400, 400};  // PANASONIC 2002:60008087 

void setup() 
  pinMode(buttonOnPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonOffPin, INPUT);

void loop() 
//  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
//  if (buttonState == HIGH) 
  if(digitalRead(buttonOnPin) == HIGH)
    mySender.send(address, rawOn, 8);         // IRLibAll.h
//    mySender.sendPanasonic(address,powerOn);  // IRremote.h
    while(buttonState == HIGH) 
      buttonState = digitalRead(buttonOnPin);
  if(digitalRead(buttonOffPin) == HIGH)
    mySender.send(address, rawOff, 8);         // IRLibAll.h
//    mySender.sendPanasonic(address,powerOff);  // IRremote.h   
    while(buttonState == HIGH) 
      buttonState = digitalRead(buttonOffPin);

When using IRLibAll.h the transmitter functions and the IR receiver's LCD displays different values


Encoding: UNKNOWN
Code: 12B5839A
Timing: 17


Encoding: UNKNOWN
Code: AF533B37
Timing: 17


Encoding: UNKNOWN
Code: 256A624B
Timing: 17


Encoding: UNKNOWN
Code: 167EB06
Timing: 17

When using IRremote.h the transmitter doesn't work, the LED doesn't turn on and nothing is received by the other Uno, and the Serial output says On|Off accordingly

Any help explaining why 72° and 74° give the same unsigned int data (Code on receiver LCD) and what is wrong with the transmitter and how can it be rectified is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Look if this topic help.
" Having tough time grasping IR codes read

That code is for the older versions (<3.0) of the IRremote library. See the IRremote GitHub page and library examples to see how to change code written for the older versions to work with the new versions (>3.0).

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