Hi everyone!
At first, i am so sorry, that i am newbie and i need resolve this!
I need to work my IoT ESP8266 Lua NodeMcu Amica CP2102 + Good Display GDEW042T2 4.2" 400x300 +DESPI-C02 for my weather station.
This is my first touch with epaper and i dont know how it works. My top was oled display with tutorial. But i didnt find any applicable tutorial for this setup. I dont know how to connect it correctly, i dont want to destroy my first display
Is here anyone who can help me with pin connect and correct setup?
I only have correct library from github, and hours of reading and googling...
@tomaio, Hi, welcome to the forum!
You could try to use GxEPD2, start with example GxEPD2_Example.
It has GxEPD2_wiring_examples.h for many processor boards. NodeMcu could use the generic ESP8266 wiring:
// mapping suggestion from Waveshare SPI e-Paper to generic ESP8266
// BUSY -> GPIO4, RST -> GPIO2, DC -> GPIO0, CS -> GPIO15, CLK -> GPIO14, DIN -> GPIO13, GND -> GND, 3.3V -> 3.3V
// NOTE: connect 3.3k pull-down from GPIO15 to GND if your board or shield has level converters
// NOTE for ESP8266: using SS (GPIO15) for CS may cause boot mode problems, use different pin in case, or 3.3k pull-down
// NOTE: connect 1k pull-up from GPIO2 (RST) to 3.3V if your board or shield has the "clever" reset circuit, or use a different pin
or the identical wiring with Dx pin names
// mapping suggestion from Waveshare SPI e-Paper to Wemos D1 mini
// BUSY -> D2, RST -> D4, DC -> D3, CS -> D8, CLK -> D5, DIN -> D7, GND -> GND, 3.3V -> 3.3V
// NOTE: connect 3.3k pull-down from D8 to GND if your board or shield has level converters
// NOTE for ESP8266: using SS (GPIO15) for CS may cause boot mode problems, use different pin in case, or 4k7 pull-down
// NOTE: connect 1k pull-up from D4 (RST) to 3.3V if your board or shield has the "clever" reset circuit, or use a different pin
You got the optimal connection board for 3.3V processors (DESPI-C02).
I have try almost everything and nothings works. i tried another board too... On my DESPI board i have "another" pins, i have BUSY,RES,D/C,CS,SCK,SDI, GND,3,3V. But in your wiring samples are no SCK and SDI pins, but CLK and DIN. Is it same? Or is it "bad board"? Maybe i am to lame for this display!
SCK and CLK are synonyms in this context, SDI and DIN also.
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