Help with HC-06

Ok so I am trying to connect my android phone to a HC06 bluetooth module.
This is the tutorial I used:

But once it connects and I press "forward" all that happens is the orange light blinks on the Arduino uno.

Any ideas on what I can do to get this working?

Thanks for reading and any help is appreciated! :slight_smile:

Assuming that the code is kosher, and the gear wired properly, it might be time to get rid of that 9v battery, and give it a proper one. Also, it is good practice to use a 1k/2k voltage divider on the Arduino Tx line.

Post your code and we might be able to help.
What Orange LED, there are many HC06 units.
What is the LED for, what does it respond too?

Tom... :slight_smile:

Here is code:
#include "EEPROM.h"

#define D1 2 // direction of motor rotation 1
#define M1 3 // PWM left motor
#define D2 4 // direction of motor rotation 2
#define M2 5 // PWM right motor
#define HORN 13 // additional channel 1
//#define autoOFF 2500 // milliseconds after which the robot stops when the connection

#define cmdL 'L' // UART-command for left motor
#define cmdR 'R' // UART-command for right motor
#define cmdH 'H' // UART-command for additional channel (for example Horn)
#define cmdF 'F' // UART-command for EEPROM operation
#define cmdr 'r' // UART-command for EEPROM operation (read)
#define cmdw 'w' // UART-command for EEPROM operation (write)

char incomingByte; // incoming data

char L_Data[4]; // array data for left motor
byte L_index = 0; // index of array L
char R_Data[4]; // array data for right motor
byte R_index = 0; // index of array R
char H_Data[1]; // array data for additional channel
byte H_index = 0; // index of array H
char F_Data[8]; // array data for EEPROM
byte F_index = 0; // index of array F
char command; // command

unsigned long currentTime, lastTimeCommand, autoOFF;

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // initialization UART
pinMode(HORN, OUTPUT); // additional channel
pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); // output for motor rotation
pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); // output for motor rotation
timer_init(); // initialization software timer

void timer_init() {
uint8_t sw_autoOFF =; // read EEPROM "is activated or not stopping the car when losing connection"
if(sw_autoOFF == '1'){ // if activated
char var_Data[3];
var_Data[0] =;
var_Data[1] =;
var_Data[2] =;
autoOFF = atoi(var_Data)*100; // variable autoOFF ms
else if(sw_autoOFF == '0'){
autoOFF = 999999;
else if(sw_autoOFF == 255){
autoOFF = 2500; // if the EEPROM is blank, dafault value is 2.5 sec
currentTime = millis(); // read the time elapsed since application start

void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) { // if received UART data
incomingByte =; // raed byte
if(incomingByte == cmdL) { // if received data for left motor L
command = cmdL; // current command
memset(L_Data,0,sizeof(L_Data)); // clear array
L_index = 0; // resetting array index
else if(incomingByte == cmdR) { // if received data for left motor R
command = cmdR;
R_index = 0;
else if(incomingByte == cmdH) { // if received data for additional channel
command = cmdH;
H_index = 0;
else if(incomingByte == cmdF) { // if received data for EEPROM op
command = cmdF;
F_index = 0;
else if(incomingByte == '\r') command = 'e'; // end of line
else if(incomingByte == '\t') command = 't'; // end of line for EEPROM op

if(command == cmdL && incomingByte != cmdL){
L_Data[L_index] = incomingByte; // store each byte in the array
L_index++; // increment array index
else if(command == cmdR && incomingByte != cmdR){
R_Data[R_index] = incomingByte;
else if(command == cmdH && incomingByte != cmdH){
H_Data[H_index] = incomingByte;
else if(command == cmdF && incomingByte != cmdF){
F_Data[F_index] = incomingByte;
else if(command == 'e'){ // if we take the line end
else if(command == 't'){ // if we take the EEPROM line end
lastTimeCommand = millis(); // read the time elapsed since application start
if(millis() >= (lastTimeCommand + autoOFF)){ // compare the current timer with variable lastTimeCommand + autoOFF
Control4WD(0,0,0); // stop the car

void Control4WD(int mLeft, int mRight, uint8_t Horn){

bool directionL, directionR; // direction of motor rotation L298N
byte valueL, valueR; // PWM M1, M2 (0-255)

if(mLeft > 0){
valueL = mLeft;
directionL = 0;
else if(mLeft < 0){
valueL = 255 - abs(mLeft);
directionL = 1;
else {
directionL = 0;
valueL = 0;

if(mRight > 0){
valueR = mRight;
directionR = 0;
else if(mRight < 0){
valueR = 255 - abs(mRight);
directionR = 1;
else {
directionR = 0;
valueR = 0;

analogWrite(M1, valueL); // set speed for left motor
analogWrite(M2, valueR); // set speed for right motor
digitalWrite(D1, directionL); // set direction of left motor rotation
digitalWrite(D2, directionR); // set direction of right motor rotation

digitalWrite(HORN, Horn); // additional channel

void Flash_Op(char FCMD, uint8_t z1, uint8_t z2, uint8_t z3, uint8_t z4){

if(FCMD == cmdr){ // if EEPROM data read command
Serial.print("FData:"); // send EEPROM data
Serial.write(; // read value from the memory with 0 address and print it to UART
Serial.print("\r\n"); // mark the end of the transmission of data EEPROM
else if(FCMD == cmdw){ // if EEPROM data write command
EEPROM.write(0,z1); // z1 record to a memory with 0 address
timer_init(); // reinitialize the timer
Serial.print("FWOK\r\n"); // send a message that the data is successfully written to EEPROM

I think it might be a battery issue what the of battery should I use and how should I connect it?

Also, the orange light that lights up has an L next to it.

Thanks for the help


Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.,148850.0.html then look down to item #7 about how to post your code.
It will be formatted in a scrolling window that makes it easier to read.

Did you write any code just to check that you could send commands over Bluetooth?
That is no EEPROM or motor control.

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

I am not sure by want you mean about writing code that controls blue tooth, this is code I have found online in a tutorial.
And here is the code again:

#include "EEPROM.h"

#define D1 2          // direction of motor rotation 1
#define M1 3          // PWM left motor
#define D2 4          // direction of motor rotation 2
#define M2 5          // PWM right motor
#define HORN 13       // additional channel 1
//#define autoOFF 2500  // milliseconds after which the robot stops when the connection

#define cmdL 'L'      // UART-command for left motor
#define cmdR 'R'      // UART-command for right motor
#define cmdH 'H'      // UART-command for additional channel (for example Horn)
#define cmdF 'F'      // UART-command for EEPROM operation
#define cmdr 'r'      // UART-command for EEPROM operation (read)
#define cmdw 'w'      // UART-command for EEPROM operation (write)

char incomingByte;    // incoming data

char L_Data[4];       // array data for left motor
byte L_index = 0;     // index of array L
char R_Data[4];       // array data for right motor
byte R_index = 0;     // index of array R
char H_Data[1];       // array data for additional channel
byte H_index = 0;     // index of array H
char F_Data[8];       // array data for  EEPROM
byte F_index = 0;     // index of array F
char command;         // command

unsigned long currentTime, lastTimeCommand, autoOFF;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);       // initialization UART
  pinMode(HORN, OUTPUT);    // additional channel
  pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);      // output for motor rotation
  pinMode(D2, OUTPUT);      // output for motor rotation
  timer_init();             // initialization software timer

void timer_init() {
  uint8_t sw_autoOFF =;   // read EEPROM "is activated or not stopping the car when losing connection"
  if(sw_autoOFF == '1'){                 // if activated
    char var_Data[3];
    var_Data[0] =;
    var_Data[1] =;
    var_Data[2] =;
    autoOFF = atoi(var_Data)*100;        // variable autoOFF ms
  else if(sw_autoOFF == '0'){        
    autoOFF = 999999;
  else if(sw_autoOFF == 255){
    autoOFF = 2500;                      // if the EEPROM is blank, dafault value is 2.5 sec
  currentTime = millis();                // read the time elapsed since application start
void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {          // if received UART data
    incomingByte =;        // raed byte
    if(incomingByte == cmdL) {           // if received data for left motor L
      command = cmdL;                    // current command
      memset(L_Data,0,sizeof(L_Data));   // clear array
      L_index = 0;                       // resetting array index
    else if(incomingByte == cmdR) {      // if received data for left motor R
      command = cmdR;
      R_index = 0;
    else if(incomingByte == cmdH) {      // if received data for additional channel
      command = cmdH;
      H_index = 0;
    else if(incomingByte == cmdF) {      // if received data for EEPROM op
      command = cmdF;
      F_index = 0;
    else if(incomingByte == '\r') command = 'e';   // end of line
    else if(incomingByte == '\t') command = 't';   // end of line for EEPROM op
    if(command == cmdL && incomingByte != cmdL){
      L_Data[L_index] = incomingByte;              // store each byte in the array
      L_index++;                                   // increment array index
    else if(command == cmdR && incomingByte != cmdR){
      R_Data[R_index] = incomingByte;
    else if(command == cmdH && incomingByte != cmdH){
      H_Data[H_index] = incomingByte;
    else if(command == cmdF && incomingByte != cmdF){
      F_Data[F_index] = incomingByte;
    else if(command == 'e'){                       // if we take the line end
    else if(command == 't'){                       // if we take the EEPROM line end
    lastTimeCommand = millis();                    // read the time elapsed since application start
  if(millis() >= (lastTimeCommand + autoOFF)){     // compare the current timer with variable lastTimeCommand + autoOFF
    Control4WD(0,0,0);                             // stop the car

void Control4WD(int mLeft, int mRight, uint8_t Horn){

  bool directionL, directionR;      // direction of motor rotation L298N
  byte valueL, valueR;              // PWM M1, M2 (0-255)
  if(mLeft > 0){
    valueL = mLeft;
    directionL = 0;
  else if(mLeft < 0){
    valueL = 255 - abs(mLeft);
    directionL = 1;
  else {
    directionL = 0;
    valueL = 0;
  if(mRight > 0){
    valueR = mRight;
    directionR = 0;
  else if(mRight < 0){
    valueR = 255 - abs(mRight);
    directionR = 1;
  else {
    directionR = 0;
    valueR = 0;
  analogWrite(M1, valueL);            // set speed for left motor
  analogWrite(M2, valueR);            // set speed for right motor
  digitalWrite(D1, directionL);       // set direction of left motor rotation
  digitalWrite(D2, directionR);       // set direction of right motor rotation
  digitalWrite(HORN, Horn);           // additional channel

void Flash_Op(char FCMD, uint8_t z1, uint8_t z2, uint8_t z3, uint8_t z4){

  if(FCMD == cmdr){           // if EEPROM data read command
    Serial.print("FData:");       // send EEPROM data
    Serial.write(;     // read value from the memory with 0 address and print it to UART
    Serial.print("\r\n");         // mark the end of the transmission of data EEPROM
  else if(FCMD == cmdw){          // if EEPROM data write command
    EEPROM.write(0,z1);               // z1 record to a memory with 0 address
    timer_init();             // reinitialize the timer
    Serial.print("FWOK\r\n");         // send a message that the data is successfully written to EEPROM

Okay, so you didn't write it, do you know how it works?

I would suggest you look for an Arduino Bluetooth tutorial and learn how Bluetooth works, they will probably show you some code to get the Bluetooth going and how to check it.

google arduino bluetooth tutorial hc-06

There are specific tutorials.

Then think about your RC code.

Do you know what the Orange LED means?

Tom.... :slight_smile:

I am not sure what the orange led is for.
But I do know how the code works.
I'm think it is a voltage problem because when I press the button I can hear the motors move just a little bit. I am pretty sure that I need a bigger battery.

Do you have any idea what battery? And do I just hook it up straight to the L298N motor driver?

Thanks for all the help, and fast responses! :slight_smile:


I am not sure what the orange led is for.
But I do know how the code works.

Well go and do a tutorial, or google to find out how the HC-06 works to find out.

I just looked at the site you linked.
You aren't using one of these batteries for power are you?

You will need more power than that can provide.

Can you post a picture of your project so we can see your component layout?

The "author" of that link has no idea about hardware, and how to post circuit diagrams.
So battery power may not be the only problem.

Try 4 x AA batteries to power the motor driver board.
How are you powering the UNO?
Do you have a DMM?

Tom... :slight_smile:

Ok so I'm going to try AA batteries like you said. I am using a 9v to power to Arduino and I made my project exactly the same as his except that I used dc motors in gear boxes instead of the rc car.


I am using a 9v to power to Arduino

You will better off putting the 9v in the bottom drawer, and putting AAs on Arduino too. If you can't come at doing that, at least use the AAs to run Arduino and the motors off the 9v. That might be sufficient to prove where your problems lie - and that Bluetooth is innocent. People with better knowledge will likely affirm that 6xAA will do for the whole shebang.

I made my project exactly the same as his

The "his" doesn't instill confidence to copy any of it.