Can anyone give me an advice about what led IR I need to buy if what I want is a led emitting an invisible luminic signal to be received 6 meters far?
And what about photosensors for getting the signals of the IR led?
Any idea of where in the internet can I found them?
I'd be very pleased if somebody could explain me something about this issue. Thanks everybody.
hello, john. I'm pretend to use the luminical presence as data emitter. I explain myself, I don't want any cable between the two poles, so I'm going to send IR and depending of the time between the pulses, the arduino receiver must understand data.
Is the IR light pointed at the receiver or does the receiver have to detect the IR no matter which way it is facing?
If you are trying to send data it might be safer to send a modulated pulse train like a TV remote control uses. If you are just using time between pulses you will get a wildly different value if you miss a pulse.
so I'm going to send IR and depending of the time between the pulses, the arduino receiver must understand data.
That won't work because the arduino is not fast enough to measure it.
If you don't want a cable between the two posts then use a battery driven IR emitter modulated by an NE555 chip.
Then at the arduino end have a TSOP4038 receiver.