When unzipped I have a range of folders and I am not sure which one to put in my libraries folder.
I am using the SPI software mode so I tried putting the SPI folders .h and .cpp files under the main folder heading (PN532-PN532_HSU) but got this error when compiling.....
C:\Users\kgurr\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PN532-PN532_HSU/PN532_SPI.h:6:28: fatal error: PN532Interface.h: No such file or directory
#include "PN532Interface.h"
My program call the .h file in;
#include <PN532_SPI.h>
I also tried just leaving those files in their subfolder but then the compiler cant find anything....
I ran the manage library install but it just came up with an older Adafruit library as installed that I have taken out of my library folder now. It doesn seem to be able to find the new library.!!!
In general if you have a library named Wibble with Wibble.h and Wibble.cpp files together with any other supporting files then the files should go in a folder named Wibble in the libraries folder of your sketch directory
From your description it is not clear whether you used the Add .ZIP Library... option of Sketch/Include Library
Did you follow these instructions from the GitHub page ?
Getting Started
Download zip file and extract the 4 folders(PN532, PN532_SPI, PN532_I2C and PN532_HSU) into Arduino's libraries.
Downlaod Don's NDEF library and extract it intro Arduino's libraries.
Follow the examples of the two libraries.