I published my first library a few weeks ago. Here is the github link:
I created a new tag , 0.0.2
I referenced the new one in my library.properties file:
author=Santiago Saldana
maintainer=Santiago Saldana <saldsj3@gmail.com>
sentence=Allows communications with a Steel Battalion Controller using a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1
paragraph=Allows you to connect to a Steel Battalion Controller using a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 in host mode. Allows for direct control of lights and reading of joystick values. Example reads joystick values and presents as a keyboard+mouse+serial+joystick HID joystick device.
category=Device Control
Looking at the scraper it looks like it is picking it up:
I can't put multiple links as a new user so here is what it looks like:
2021/11/26 06:18:09 Scraping https://github.com/SantiagoSaldana/SBC.git
2021/11/26 06:18:10 Checking out tag: 0.0.1
2021/11/26 06:18:10 Release SBC:0.0.1 already loaded, skipping
2021/11/26 06:18:10 Checking out tag: 0.0.2
2021/11/26 06:18:10 Release SBC:0.0.1 already loaded, skipping
However the new version is not visible in my library manager, I also checked with the online json file:
Here is what the official arduino library_index.json looks like as of 11/26/21 2:15 AM EST
Here is my library in that file
"name": "SBC",
"version": "0.0.1",
"author": "Santiago Saldana",
"maintainer": "Santiago Saldana \u003csaldsj3@gmail.com\u003e",
"sentence": "Allows communications with a Steel Battalion Controller using a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1",
"paragraph": "Allows you to connect to a Steel Battalion Controller using a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 in host mode. Allows for direct control of lights and reading of joystick values. Example reads joystick values and presents as a keyboard+mouse+serial+joystick HID joystick device.",
"website": "https://github.com/SantiagoSaldana/SBC",
"category": "Device Control",
"architectures": [
"types": [
"repository": "https://github.com/SantiagoSaldana/SBC.git",
"url": "https://downloads.arduino.cc/libraries/github.com/SantiagoSaldana/SBC-0.0.1.zip",
"archiveFileName": "SBC-0.0.1.zip",
"size": 11978,
"checksum": "SHA-256:aba88e44eb9e08641f61f05e0f368a0ea5c5af21647a9f006fc87fc09b7574a3"
It's been 24 hrs, am I doing anything wrong?