Help with plant watering project with reservoir sensor

Hi all,

I'm new to the community so I hope I follow all the rules, but here goes:

So for my school I have to make an Arduino project using 2 sensors and 2 actuators. I thought maybe a plant watering system with a sensor in the water reservoir indicating the water level (for example a red LED that lights up when the water level gets below a certain point. We don't have te reïnvent the wheel, we just have to make something using code and components.

Is there anyone that could help me with this project: lay out of components, wiring and code? It's not that I dont want to learn to do it myself, I just want to do it by looking at things other people invented allready.

Kind regards!

Does an led count as an "actuator"?- you might need to up that to a pump or a valve or something to do stuff when the sensors say so, to meet the definition of "actuator".

What sort of sensor did you have in mind?- there are some that actually indicate the level as an analog reading so now it's "x" deep and later it says "y" deep and then "z" deep. Others are just float switches which are digital, either on or off, so the water is "x or above" vs "below x".

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use a soil-moisture-sensor to measure soil water content and switch on a pump?

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Hello deflin
Take a view here to get some ideas.

Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.
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Break the project down - google for tank level sensors , float switches etc - get solutions for each part of the project then put them together

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A LED is absolutely an actuator. So a sensor for the soil and a sensor for the water level of the reservoir should suffice. If a LED starts burning when the water level gets beneath a certain point and a water pump starts giving water when the soil gets to dry: That would be great. I just don't know how to put that all together.

Hello deflin
Start with coding and post the current sketch in case of troubles simply.
Don´t for get to post the real schematic too.
Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.
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Thanks! I Found a setup and code for a soil moisture sensor that lights up 5 leds (Blue - Green 0 Yellosw - Orange - Red) depending on the level of the mosture. I figured I could use that code for the reservoir water level sensor. But a lot of the pins are allready in use, so I figured I use a second arduino to measure the ground moisture and alter that code so it activates the water pump when it gets below a certain level.

This is what i want to use as my base code.

The second arduino is a mere thought, now that I look at the setup i think i can use Digital pin 13 to activate the water pump and the second GND, Pin A2 and A3 for the water level sensor. Is that possible?

Hello deflin
Either you use an Arduino Mega or you take a view how to use a port expander for your project.
Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.
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