Help with powering the arduino with lipo battery and making it rechargable

So, im working on a this project and i need a small lithium battery (example).
I want it to also make it rechargable but dont know how, was thinking about just connecting it to a section of a cut usb cable like this guy made here:

but also came across lipo battery charger board which can be connected to a battery like this:

My question is it even possible to do that and which of this 2 ways to use it, also if you have suggestions how that is actualy done.

So when i plug in the usb for example that it doesnt power the arduino, but that it only charges the battery if possible.

I use modules like these. The have the charger, protection circuits, step up converter and voltage regulator on one small module.

You can't connect the battery directly to USB power. The maximum charging voltage for your battery is 4.2V. USB is 5V. Plus you need to automatically terminate charging when the battery is fully charged. A charging module will do all that correctly,

@groundfungus, could you please describe that module in more detail - what chips it uses? Is there a schematic for it?

The chip is the LTC4065A charger chip. I have no schematic. I have no more details than what is in the ad. I have used several of these in projects with no trouble.

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oh i see i could've done something bad if i only connected it to the USB

That's good enough for me to search what i actualy need.

Btw i found this one is that one and this one with USB type C also good?

As far as I can tell they are OK chargers.

But it doesn't appear that they have a boost converter to produce 5V. So you would be running your Arduino on the battery which will be between about 3.5V and 4.2V, which wouldn't be enough for a Uno or Nano, but would work ok for an 8MHz 3.3V Pro Mini.

Was thinking about using arduino pro micro with it, it has 3.3V and 5V, RTC works on both as well as the OLED display.

I found that i have this one at home, it looks kind of not so great to me idk why but what do you guys think about it?

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