so i have made an obstacle avoidance robot but there seems to be a problem as it will not return a value when the ping sensor turns left or right
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); // lcd screen pins
const int pingPin = 4; //declares the ping pin
const int irPin = 0; //Sharp infrared sensor pin
const int RForward = 180; //full speed forward
const int RBackward = 0; //full speed reverse
const int LForward = RBackward; //this decides the motor control
const int LBackward = RForward; //this decides the motor control
const int RNeutral = 90; //nuetral for motor
const int LNeutral = 90; //nuetral for motor
const int dangerThresh = 2; //threshold for obstacles (in)
int leftDistance, rightDistance; //distances on either side
Servo panMotor; //this is the "neck" of the robot
Servo leftMotor; //declare left servo motor
Servo rightMotor; //declare right servo motor
long duration; //time it takes to recieve PING))) signal
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //allows for serial monitoring
lcd.begin(16, 2); //turn on the lcd screen
lcd.print("Hello Jason"); //threw this in for fun
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
lcd.print("Activating KITT"); //threw this in for fun
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
rightMotor.attach(5); //attach right servo motor to proper pin
leftMotor.attach(6); //attach left servo motor to proper pin
panMotor.attach(3); //attach pan servo motor to proper pin
panMotor.write(90); //center the "neck" of the robot
lcd.print("KITT Online"); //threw this in for fun
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
void loop()
int distanceFwd = ping(); //tells the robot distance forward
if (distanceFwd>dangerThresh) //if path is clear
leftMotor.write(LForward); //move forward
rightMotor.write(RForward); //move forward
else //if path is blocked
leftMotor.write(LNeutral); //stop forward motion
rightMotor.write(RNeutral); //stop forward motion
panMotor.write(0); // turn ping sesor right
rightDistance = ping(); //scan to the right
panMotor.write(180); //turn ping sensor left
leftDistance = ping(); //scan to the left
panMotor.write(90); //return to center
compareDistance(); //determine the distance on both sides
void compareDistance()
if (leftDistance>rightDistance) //if left is less obstructed
leftMotor.write(LBackward); //turn left
rightMotor.write(RForward); //turn left
else if (rightDistance>leftDistance) //if right is less obstructed
leftMotor.write(LForward); //turn right
rightMotor.write(RBackward); //turn right
else //if they are equally obstructed
leftMotor.write(LForward); //turn 180 degrees
rightMotor.write(RBackward); //turn 180 degrees
long ping() //ping sensor programming from library
long duration, inches;
pinMode(pingPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
pinMode(pingPin, INPUT);
duration = pulseIn(pingPin, HIGH);
inches = microsecondsToInches(duration);
lcd.print("in to obstacle"); //displays ditance on the lcd
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
Serial.print("in, ");
Serial.println(); // this is for serial monitoring of the ping signal
return inches; //return measurement for ping sensor
long microsecondsToInches(long microseconds)
return microseconds / 74 / 2;
I have to present this to a bunch of kids tomorrow and just realized this error please help
so i still have the same problem with ping returning a zero after the pan servo moves it left or right i changed the delays and still the same thing
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); // lcd screen pins
const int pingPin = 4; //declares the ping pin
//const int irPin = 0; //Sharp infrared sensor pin
const int RForward = 180; //full speed forward
const int RBackward = 0; //full speed reverse
const int LForward = RBackward; //this decides the motor control
const int LBackward = RForward; //this decides the motor control
const int RNeutral = 90; //nuetral for motor
const int LNeutral = 90; //nuetral for motor
const int dangerThresh = 4; //threshold for obstacles (in)
int leftDistance, rightDistance; //distances on either side
Servo panMotor; //this is the "neck" of the robot
Servo leftMotor; //declare left servo motor
Servo rightMotor; //declare right servo motor
long duration; //time it takes to recieve PING))) signal
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //allows for serial monitoring
lcd.begin(16, 2); //turn on the lcd screen
lcd.print("Hello Jason"); //threw this in for fun
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
lcd.print("ScrapBot V1.0"); //threw this in for fun
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
lcd.print("SCRAPPER SAYS HI"); //threw this in for fun
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
rightMotor.attach(5); //attach right servo motor to proper pin
leftMotor.attach(6); //attach left servo motor to proper pin
panMotor.attach(3); //attach pan servo motor to proper pin
panMotor.write(90); //center the "neck" of the robot
void loop()
int distanceFwd = ping(); //tells the robot distance forward
if (distanceFwd>dangerThresh) //if path is clear
leftMotor.write(LForward); //move forward
rightMotor.write(RForward); //move forward
else //if path is blocked
leftMotor.write(LNeutral); //stop forward motion
rightMotor.write(RNeutral); //stop forward motion
panMotor.write(0); // turn ping sesor right
rightDistance = ping(); //scan to the right
panMotor.write(180); //turn ping sensor left
leftDistance = ping(); //scan to the left
panMotor.write(90); //return to center
compareDistance(); //determine the distance on both sides
void compareDistance()
if (leftDistance>rightDistance) //if left is less obstructed
leftMotor.write(LBackward); //turn left
rightMotor.write(RForward); //turn left
else if (rightDistance>leftDistance) //if right is less obstructed
leftMotor.write(LForward); //turn right
rightMotor.write(RBackward); //turn right
else //if they are equally obstructed
leftMotor.write(LForward); //turn 180 degrees
rightMotor.write(RBackward); //turn 180 degrees
long ping() //ping sensor programming from library
long duration, inches;
pinMode(pingPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
pinMode(pingPin, INPUT);
duration = pulseIn(pingPin, HIGH);
inches = microsecondsToInches(duration);
lcd.print("in to obstacle"); //displays ditance on the lcd
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
Serial.print("in, ");
Serial.println(); // this is for serial monitoring of the ping signal
return inches; //return measurement for ping sensor
long microsecondsToInches(long microseconds)
return microseconds / 74 / 2;
Do the duration variable have the value zero too? You can print to the LCD this value.
And if you start with the neck turned to the left (or the right) and move to centre in the loop() function, do the ping return the right value?
EDIT: If you do a dummy ping in setup the ping in the loop function still working?
once the "neck" moves left or right ping returns a 0 then when the "neck" is centered ping return normal values also i have noticed that the ping has been randomly returning false values while moving forward
long ping() //ping sensor programming from library
long duration, inches;
pinMode(pingPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
pinMode(pingPin, INPUT);
duration = pulseIn(pingPin, HIGH); ///////// <- this duration, add: lcd.print(duration); delay(1000); //////////
inches = microsecondsToInches(duration);
lcd.print("in to obstacle"); //displays ditance on the lcd
lcd.clear(); //clears the lcd
Serial.print("in, ");
Serial.println(); // this is for serial monitoring of the ping signal
return inches; //return measurement for ping sensor
To have some clue here the problem is, in the sense part, or in the math.
i think the problem is somewhere in this part of the code because whenever the "neck" turns to the left or right the ping sensor gives a delay then returns a zero and centers the "neck"
void loop()
int distanceFwd = ping(); //tells the robot distance forward
if (distanceFwd>dangerThresh) //if path is clear
leftMotor.write(LForward); //move forward
rightMotor.write(RForward); //move forward
else //if path is blocked
leftMotor.write(LNeutral); //stop forward motion
rightMotor.write(RNeutral); //stop forward motion
panMotor.write(0); // turn ping sesor right
rightDistance = ping(); //scan to the right
panMotor.write(180); //turn ping sensor left
leftDistance = ping(); //scan to the left
panMotor.write(90); //return to center
compareDistance(); //determine the distance on both sides
void compareDistance()
if (leftDistance>rightDistance) //if left is less obstructed
leftMotor.write(LBackward); //turn left
rightMotor.write(RForward); //turn left
else if (rightDistance>leftDistance) //if right is less obstructed
leftMotor.write(LForward); //turn right
rightMotor.write(RBackward); //turn right
else //if they are equally obstructed
leftMotor.write(LForward); //turn 180 degrees
rightMotor.write(RBackward); //turn 180 degrees
I think that what we are trying to tell you is that we can't see your serial output, and you are doing a crappy job of explaining what you see. Print the angle that the servo is pointing at, and the ping() output after the function returns. Make sure everything that is printed is identified (no mystery values) and SHOW US THE OUTPUT!
What kind of motors are you using?
You can do too several (10 or 20) measurements at the same position an calculate the average, maybe this way you can mask the problem. But anyway read the other thread.
EDIT: The answer appears at this point (1 capacitor for each motor, and change the inputs pinModes from INPUT to INPUT_PULLUP).
So, the problem is hardware but without being hardware (because the hardware is fine because it was working fine in another project). I don't know what it can be.
well after reading the parralax forums regarding symptoms of a ping sensor failure im going to take the safe route and replace the sensor before moving ahead in the project although i am happy to say that little scrapper the robot made the kindergarten class very happy this morning so happy infact they almost missed recess asking questions about how he was built how he works and what his components do