help with soft pwm for motorized chair

I have this code that controls my motorized chair
and I don't know how to program
but I need a pwm with smooth rise and fall, so there are no jumps in the engines
someone help me please?

//usar defines nao gasta memoria RAM no armazenamento das
//constantes do programa.

#define portaH_1a 11
#define portaH_1b 10

#define portaH_2a 5
#define portaH_2b 6

#define potpin A0
#define potpin2 A3

int led = 3;

int val_pot_1;
int val_pot_2;

int pwm_1_a;
int pwm_1_b;

int pwm_2_a;
int pwm_2_b;

void setup()

//seta os modos dos pinos
pinMode( portaH_1a, OUTPUT );
pinMode( portaH_2a, OUTPUT );
pinMode( portaH_1b, OUTPUT );
pinMode( potpin, INPUT );
pinMode( potpin2, INPUT );
pinMode( led, OUTPUT );

void loop()
//leitura do potenciometro
val_pot_1 = analogRead(potpin);
val_pot_2 = analogRead(potpin2);

//mapeamento para 0-511 pino A - 512-1023 pino B
pwm_1_a = map(val_pot_1, 0, 511, 255, 0);
pwm_1_b = map(val_pot_1, 512, 1023, 0, 255);

//mapeamento da ponte 2
pwm_2_a = map(val_pot_2, 0, 511, 255, 0);
pwm_2_b = map(val_pot_2, 512, 1023, 0, 255);

if (val_pot_1 > 511)
pwm_1_a = 0;
pwm_1_b = 0;

if (val_pot_2 > 511)
pwm_2_a = 0;
pwm_2_b = 0;

if (pwm_1_a > 5) //controle freio
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); //aciona freio
else if (pwm_1_b > 5) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
else if (pwm_2_a > 5) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
else if (pwm_2_b > 5) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
else {
digitalWrite(led, LOW); //desliga freio

if ( pwm_1_a < 8) pwm_1_a = 0;
if ( pwm_2_a < 8) pwm_2_a = 0;
if ( pwm_1_b < 8) pwm_1_b = 0;
if ( pwm_2_b < 8) pwm_2_b = 0;

//Atualiza portas da ponte H1
analogWrite(portaH_1a, pwm_1_a);

analogWrite(portaH_1b, pwm_1_b);

//Atualiza portas da ponte H2
analogWrite(portaH_2a, pwm_2_a);

analogWrite(portaH_2b, pwm_2_b);


So, this is what happens when you don't use code tags:
It should look like this:

  if ( pwm_1_a < 8) pwm_1_a = 0;
  if ( pwm_2_a < 8) pwm_2_a = 0;
  if ( pwm_1_b < 8) pwm_1_b = 0;
  if ( pwm_2_b < 8) pwm_2_b = 0;


and I don't know how to program
but I need a pwm with smooth rise and fall, so there are no jumps in the engines
someone help me please?

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