I am new to arduino and would like some help to build as timer to turn on and off a relay.
I want to be able to set the time in 5 minute intervals to 30 minutes in total and have led light up for each interval. I want to use a reed switch or hall effect switch to set the interval with a magnet and a latching reed or hall effect switch to start a motor via a relay.
What sketch is the best to use for this and help with a wiring diagram would be great.
If you would like someone else to write the code and give you a schematic you should ask in the Gigs and Collaborations section.
If you want to learn how to write Arduino programs yourself there are many examples that come with the Arduino IDE which cover the sort of thing you want to. Study them and then have a go at writing your own code. If it doesn't do what you want post your code here (read the how to use the forum first) and people will be happy to help.
Think of your project as a series of small pieces - reading a switch, lighting an LED, managing time - it makes it much easier to tackle.
This Thread about planning and implementing a program and this demo several things at a time may be helpful.