Help with uploading : avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device "usb"


I just got my first arduino board. It's a Arduino UNO R3. I wrote (copied) the blink tutorial program, i had some issues with compiling the code, but after some search i found out it was due to antivirus. With this issue solved i stepped on the next problem which is that apparently the computer can not writhe the program on the board.

I get the following error:

avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device "usb

I checked device manager and the board appears correctly under com ports and drivers are up to date. The bootloader L led is blinking, so apparently i have a bootloader on the board aswell...

I have windows 8.1

Searching the forum and web i can not find a solution. Has anybody encountered this problem and managed to solve it?

I would appreciate your help!

have a nice day!

If you can find the board in the device manager you can find a COM port number there as well. Is the IDE set to this COM port?