Hey gang
I have a video game console I am trying be able to modify the score on, I have found the eeprom which stores the score and managed to read it with my arduino it is a 32bit eeprom, I have found where the code is stored for example If the score where 112233 then the first 8bit's would be 33 then the next 8 22 then the next 8 11, then there is a 8 bit code which needs to match the score for it to work. I will post the code I have captured with the corresponding score below hopefully someone might be able to see how these last 8 bits are generated, I just cant see the pattern. All I have found out much by accident is that I can make it any combination of 2 or 4 eg{222444) and make the last 8 bits 10111011 and it will work. So this would make me think its not a crc type thing or else so many combination would not be able to have the same verification bits.
Here is some I have captured:
4: 0100011100000011
5: 0100011110011001
4: 0100011100000011
5: 0100011110011001
4: 0101001100000011
5: 0100011110011001
4: 0111000100000100
5: 0100011110101010
4: 1000000100000100
5: 0100011110101100
4: 1001000100000100
5: 0100011110101011
4: 0000001100000101
5: 0100011110011011
Thanks in advance for anyone who may be able to help.