Help with Xbee and Arduino?


I'm trying to use my PC to control my Arduino via Xbee. Can I use the Xbee Explorer USB to send commands to a 60 mw pro Xbee on a robot? Do I need to have a 60 mw pro in both the explorer usb and the robot to get a long range connection? Can I just have a 60 mw in one and a 1 mw in the other and still be able to transmit long range?


The range of the XBee refers to it's ability to transmit a signal of sufficient strength to be received. The transmitter always needs to be more powerful than the receiver.

However, since the XBees implement error handling, the receiver needs to be able to send a message to the sender if there is a problem, telling the sender to resend a message.

In that case, the sender and receiver have switched roles. If the (new) sender is not capable of transmitting data to the original sender, communication will stop.

Therefore, in general, it is a good idea to use matching XBees.

Can I use the Xbee Explorer USB to send commands to a 60 mw pro Xbee on a robot?

No. The Xbee Explorer USB is a breakout board. It needs to have a XBee attached that actually does the sending/receiving.

Do I need to have a 60 mw pro in both the explorer usb and the robot to get a long range connection?

For reliable communications, yes.

Can I just have a 60 mw in one and a 1 mw in the other and still be able to transmit long range?
