It's finally time to start learning how to write my own custom libraries. I've been through some basic tutorials already but i'm wondering if anyone knows of some tutorials out there, specifically for writing to chips like the HT1632c. I'm using this chip in a project and the libraries available don't quite work for what i'm doing. Hence why i'd like to learn to write a custom library.
I'm specifically looking for tutorials on how to write to chips internal registries.
Do you have working code that uses your 'library' and you want to split that of?
I've never written a library but I split my code over different tabs in the IDE (.h and .cppfiles).
So you can create additional tabs for
HT1632c.h and HT1632c.cpp and place your library code in there and debug.
In your sketch, you need to include as below
#include "HT1632c.h"
Once fully debugged, you can move the library files to a dedicated directory in the directory where 3rd party libraries are stored and add the required extra files to make it a proper library. I can't help with that step but look at the structure of an existing library.