Hi everybody,
I need help to send a data in Lora...
here is my arduino program :
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <RH_RF95.h>
SoftwareSerial lora(5, 6);
RH_RF95 rf95(lora);
int val;
String tabl[2];
int current_battery = A0; // give a value between 0 and 5
int current_motor = A1; // give a value between 0 and 5
void setup()
pinMode(current_battery, INPUT);
pinMode(current_motor, INPUT);
if (!rf95.init())
Serial.println("init failed");
void loop()
tabl[0]="A"; // identifier for the receiver
tabl[1] = current_battery; // value I want to send
Serial.println(tabl[0]); // print on the Serial monitor of the transmitter
Serial.println(tabl[1]); // print on the Serial monitor of the transmitter
__________________________________; // And now I don't know how to send
At the beginning, all is good, I have the good value in my array but after I don't know...
If i want to see on the Serial monitor the value of tabl like this : Serial.println(tabl), it doesn't work and I've got an error...
After that, I want to sent the full value of the array "tabl" using lora transmission and at this moment... it's the drama... I don't know how to do
Can you help me please ?
Sorry if I do not explain my problem very well but if you want more information ask me
Thanks for your help and your answer