September 12, 2012, 7:44pm
Hello all. Little guidance needed on converting a HEX string for example char str[5] contains BE 1F A8 13. Am wanting to add the 4 bytes together and place the answer into a unsigned long. Would a simple for loop work for this with the += compound operator?
Many thanks as always.
September 12, 2012, 7:46pm
Would a simple for loop work for this with the += compound operator?
By itself, no it wouldn't.
But some left shifts or some multiplies would sort it out.
BE 1F A8 13.
Do you mean you want the sum of those values (0x198) in a 32 bit variable, or the value 0xbe1fa813 in a 32 bit variable?
Do you know the endianess of the input value?
uncompiled untested
unsigned long var = 0;
for int (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
var <<= 8;
var+= array [i];
September 12, 2012, 7:58pm
Do you mean you want the sum of those values (0x198) in a 32 bit variable, or the value 0xbe1fa813 in a 32 bit variable?
Hello mate, yes i want the sum 198 hex, 408 DEC to go into a 32 bit variable.
September 12, 2012, 8:05pm
In which case the same loop without the shift.
You'll also need to cast the "char" to "unsigned char"
You'll also have at most ten bits of data in a 32 bit variable.
September 12, 2012, 8:09pm
I notice you use use
var <<= 8;
does this mean the unsigned long variable fills from right to left?
Sorry just noticed your last post lol.