Hi everyone I'm trying to make a world clock work but I'm not quite understanding how to change the code to fit my needs. Can anyone help explain/chan

 *                 20231110 Version 1.0
   @file flying.ino
   @author howell ivy
   @brief Logic for experiment My-Cool-Experiment
   @version 1.0
   @date 2023-07-15

  20231120 CLI_V1.0 Required to make a complete program - this file, CLI_V1.0,Quest_CLI.h, Quest_Flight.h,Quest_flight.cpp
                  cmd_takeSphot , cmd_takeSpiphoto, nophotophoto, nophoto30K --,clean up code for understanding.

#include "Quest_Flight.h"
#include "Quest_CLI.h"

//    This defines the timers used to control flight operations
//  Fast clock --- 1 hour = 5 min = 1/12 of an  hour
//     one millie -- 1ms
#define SpeedFactor 30    // = times faster
#define one_sec   1000                       //one second = 1000 millis
#define one_min   60*one_sec                 // one minute of time
#define one_hour  60*one_min                 // one hour of time
#define TimeEvent1_time     ((one_min * 60) / SpeedFactor)      //take a photo time
#define Sensor1time         ((one_min * 15) / SpeedFactor)      //Time to make Sensor1 readings 
#define Sensor2time         ((one_sec * 20)  / SpeedFactor) 
  int sensor1count = 0;     //counter of times the sensor has been accessed
  int sensor2count = 0;     //counter of times the sensor has been accessed
   @brief Flying function is used to capture all logic of an experiment during flight.
//   Beginning of the flight program setup
void Flying() {
  Serial.println("Here to Run flight program, not done yet 20230718");
  Serial.println(" 20231116 working on it");
  uint32_t TimeEvent1 = millis();               //set TimeEvent1 to effective 0
  uint32_t Sensor1Timer = millis();             //clear sensor1Timer to effective 0
  uint32_t Sensor2Timer = millis();             //clear sensor1Timer to effective 0
  uint32_t Sensor2Deadmillis = millis();        //clear mills for difference
  uint32_t one_secTimer = millis();             //set happens every second
  uint32_t sec60Timer = millis();               //set minute timer

  //   Here to set up flight conditions i/o pins, atod, and other special condition
  //   of your program

  //------------ flying -----------------------

  Serial.println("Flying NOW  -  x=abort");                 //terminal output for abort back to test
  Serial.println("Terminal must be reset after abort");     //terminal reset requirement upon soft reset

  missionMillis = millis();     //Set mission clock millis, you just entered flight conditions
  //----- Here to start a flight from a reset ---------
  DateTime now = rtc.now();                   //get time now
  currentunix = (now.unixtime());             //get current unix time, don't count time not flying
  writelongfram(currentunix, PreviousUnix);   //set fram Mission time start now counting seconds unix time
  //  All Flight conditions are now set up,  NOW to enter flight operations
  while (1) {
    //----------- Test for terminal abort command (x) from flying ----------------------
    while (Serial.available()) {      //Abort flight program progress
      byte x = Serial.read();         //get the input byte
      if (x == 'x') {                 //check the byte for an abort x
        return  ;                     //return back to poeration sellection
      }                               //end check
    }                                 //end abort check
//*********** Timed Event 1 test ***************************************
    //  this test if TimeEvent1 time has come
    //  See above for TimeEvent1_time settings between this event
    if ((millis() - TimeEvent1) > TimeEvent1_time) {
      TimeEvent1 = millis();                    //yes is time now reset TimeEvent1
          //  Take a photo using the serial c329 camera and place file name in Queue
      if (State == 0){      //which state ?             
          cmd_takeSphoto();            //Take serial photo and send it
          //  Take a photo using the SPI c329 camera and place file name in Queue
          //  Hardware Note: to use the Spi camera - a jumper must be connected from IO0
          //  the the hold pin on J6.......
      if (State == 1){
          cmd_takeSpiphoto();         //Take SPI photo and send it
          //  no camera - Send a 30k of buffer datta in place of a photo to the output Queue
      if (State == 2){
          nophoto30K();               //Use photo buffer for data
          //  no camera - send just text appended with data to the output Queue
      if (State == 3){
          nophotophoto();               //photo event with no photo just to transfer data
      State++;                          //go to the next state
      if (State == 4){                  //reset the state back to 0
        State = 0;                      //state to 0
    }                                               //end of TimeEvent1_time
//*********** One second counter timer will trigger every second ****************
    //  Here one sec timer - every second
    if ((millis() - one_secTimer) > one_sec) {      //one sec counter
      one_secTimer = millis();                      //reset one second timer
      DotStarYellow();                              //turn on Yellow DotStar to Blink for running
//****************** NO_NO_NO_NO_NO_NO_NO_NO_NO_NO_NO_ *************************
//    Mission clock timer
//    FRAM keep track of cunlitive power on time
//    and RTC with unix seconds
      DateTime now = rtc.now();                           //get the time time,don't know how long away
      currentunix = (now.unixtime());                     //get current unix time
      Serial.print(currentunix); Serial.print(" ");      //testing print unix clock
      uint32_t framdeltaunix = (currentunix - readlongFromfram(PreviousUnix)); //get delta sec of unix time
      uint32_t cumunix = readlongFromfram(CumUnix);       //Get cumulative unix mission clock
      writelongfram((cumunix + framdeltaunix), CumUnix);  //add and Save cumulative unix time Mission
      writelongfram(currentunix, PreviousUnix);           //reset PreviousUnix to current for next time
//********* END_NO_END_NO_END_NO_END_NO_END_NO_END_NO_ **************************
      //  This part prints out every second
      Serial.print(": Mission Clock = ");      //testing print mission clock
      Serial.print(readlongFromfram(CumUnix));        //mission clock
      Serial.print(" is ");                        //spacer
      //------Output to the terminal  days hours min sec
      Serial.print(xd); Serial.print(" Days  ");
      Serial.print(xh); Serial.print(" Hours  ");
      Serial.print(xm); Serial.print(" Min  ");
      Serial.print(xs); Serial.println(" Sec");
    }  // end of one second routine
//*********** Read Sensor1 Event read and add to text buffer************
    if ((millis() - Sensor1Timer) > Sensor1time) {    //Is it time to read?
      Sensor1Timer = millis();                        //Yes, lets read the sensor1
      int value1 = sensor1count;              //sensor count number up from zero
      int value2 = 55000;                     //SIMULATED SENSOR VALUE,need to calculate real value
      int value3 = 14;                        //SIMULATED SENSOR VALUE,need to calculate real value
      add2text(value1, value2, value3);       //add the values to the text buffer
    }     // End of Sensor1 time event
//*********** Read Sensor2 Event read and add to text buffer************
//*********** Test of filling the 30K data buffer for lots of data *****
    //  If it is event driven then remove the Sensor2Timer evvvvvend 
    //  here to get the  data for the event 
    if ((millis() - Sensor2Timer) > Sensor2time) {    //Is it time to read?
      Sensor2Timer = millis();                        //Yes, lets read the sensor1
      //  Here to calculate and store data
      int Deadtime = millis()-Sensor2Deadmillis;      //time in millis sence last visit
      Sensor2Deadmillis = millis();                   //set millis this visit
      //**** now get ampli and SiPM *****
      int ampli = 555;              //SIMULATED
      int SiPM  = 888;              //SIMULATED
      //***** end simulated *************
      dataappend(sensor2count, ampli, SiPM, Deadtime);
    }     // End of Sensor2Timer          
  }       // End of while 
}         //End nof Flighting
//    This is a function to adds three values to the user_text_buffer
//    Written specificy for 2023-2024 Team F, Team B,
//    Enter the function with "add2text(1st interger value, 2nd intergre value, 3rd intergervalue);
//    the " - value1 " text can be changed to lable the value or removed to same space
//    ", value2 " and ", value 3 " masy also be removed or changed to a lable.
//    Space availiable is 1024 bytes, Note- - each Data line has a ncarrage return and a line feed
//example of calling routine:
//       //
//      int value1 = 55;
//      int value2 = 55000;
//      int value3 = 14;
//      add2text(value1, value2, value3);
//      //
void add2text(int value1,int value2,int value3){                 //Add value to text file
        if (strlen(user_text_buf0) >= (sizeof(user_text_buf0)-100)){    //Check for full
          Serial.println("text buffer full");                           //yes, say so
          return;                                                       //back to calling
        char temp[11];                  // Maximum number of digits for a 32-bit integer 
        int index = 10;                 //Start from the end of the temperary buffer  
        char str[12];                   //digits + null terminator   
//--------- get time and convert to str for entry into text buffer ----
        DateTime now = rtc.now();                   //get time of entry
        uint32_t value = now.unixtime();            //get unix time from entry
        do {
            temp[index--] = '0' + (value % 10);     // Convert the least significant digit to ASCII
            value /= 10;                            // Move to the next digit
        } while (value != 0);
        strcpy(str, temp + index +1);               // Copy the result to the output string
//---------- end of time conversion uni time is now in str -------------       
        strcat(user_text_buf0, (str));              //write unix time
        // unit time finish entry into this data line
        strcat(user_text_buf0, (" - count= "));            // seperator
        strcat(user_text_buf0, (itoa(value1, ascii, 10)));
        strcat(user_text_buf0, (", value2= "));
        strcat(user_text_buf0, (itoa(value2, ascii, 10)));
        strcat(user_text_buf0, (", value3= "));
        strcat(user_text_buf0, (itoa(value3,  ascii, 10)));
        strcat(user_text_buf0, ("\r\n"));

        //Serial.println(strlen(user_text_buf0));  //for testing
//------end of Function to add to user text buffer ------       
//  Function to write into a 30K databuffer
//    char databuffer[30000];         // Create a character buffer with a size of 2KB
//    int databufferLength = 0;       // Initialize the buffer length
//  Append data to the large data buffer buffer always enter unit time of data added
//  enter: void dataappend(int counts, int ampli, int SiPM, int Deadtime) (4 values)
void dataappend(int counts,int ampli,int SiPM,int Deadtime) {          //entry, add line with values to databuffer
  //----- get and set time to entry -----
  DateTime now = rtc.now();                                               //get time of entry
  String stringValue = String(now.unixtime());                            //convert unix time to string
  const char* charValue = stringValue.c_str();                            //convert to a C string value
  appendToBuffer(charValue);                                              //Sent unix time to databuffer
  //----- add formated string to buffer -----
  String results = " - " + String(counts) + " " + String(ampli) + " " + String(SiPM) + " " + String (Deadtime) + "\r\n";  //format databuffer entry
  const char* charValue1 = results.c_str();                               //convert to a C string value
  appendToBuffer(charValue1);                                             //Send formated string to databuff
  //  Serial.println(databufferLength);                                   //print buffer length for testing only
//-----------------------                                               //end dataappend
//----- sub part od dataappend -- append to Buffer -----
void  appendToBuffer(const char* data) {                                   //enter with charator string to append
  int dataLength = strlen(data);                                          //define the length of data to append
      // ----- Check if there is enough space in the buffer                           //enough space?
  if (databufferLength + dataLength < sizeof(databuffer)) {               //enouth space left in buffer
      // ----- Append the data to the buffer
    strcat(databuffer, data);                                             //yes enough space, add data to end of buffer
    databufferLength += dataLength;                                       //change to length of the buffer
  } else {
    Serial.println("Buffer is full. Data not appended.");                 //Not enough space, say so on terminal
  }       //end not enough space
}         //end appendToBuffer


We can't figure it out. either! What are your needs that the code you listed does not fit?

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We are confused about how to call upon the clock for different actions like pump pin getting called on for a certain time. Also is the clock always accessed or only when the action is called upon. thank you for trying to help we greatly appreciate.

Since Google know nothing about your program or the include files, there is no documentation available to the general public. So I can't help. Where did you get the program, the include files? Did you also get documentation on how to use the program?

This comment is not encouraging.

  Serial.println("Here to Run flight program, not done yet 20230718");
  Serial.println(" 20231116 working on it");

How do functions like nophotophoto() and DotStarYellow() work with a "world clock"?

I believe these are the droids you are looking for...

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