hi i got coe problem

hi everyone

i was wondering if u can help me

i want run two of the same codes at the same time.

i got 2 10kpots and both pots controlling one RBG led
i got the code for a single one two work but i dont know how to control both of on Code


const int RED_LED_PIN = 9; // Red LED Pin
const int GREEN_LED_PIN = 10; // Green LED Pin
const int BLUE_LED_PIN = 11; // Blue LED Pin
const int SENSOR_PIN = 0; // Analog input pin

const int RED_LED_PIN = 3; // Red LED Pin
const int GREEN_LED_PIN = 5; // Green LED Pin
const int BLUE_LED_PIN = 6; // Blue LED Pin

const int SENSOR_PIN =1; // Analog input pin

Codes of one set of pot and led

const int RED_LED_PIN = 9; // Red LED Pin
const int GREEN_LED_PIN = 10; // Green LED Pin
const int BLUE_LED_PIN = 11; // Blue LED Pin
const int SENSOR_PIN = 0; // Analog input pin

int redValue, greenValue, blueValue;

void setup()

// No need for any code here
// analogWrite() sets up the pins as outputs

void loop()

int sensorValue;

// Read the voltage from the softpot (0-1023)

sensorValue = analogRead(0);

// We've written a new function called setRGB() (further down
// in the sketch) that decodes sensorValue into a position
// on the RGB "rainbow", and sets the RGB LED to that color.


// setRGB()
// Set a RGB LED to a position on the "rainbow" of all colors.
// RGBposition should be in the range of 0 to 1023 (such as
// from an analog input).

void setRGB(int RGBposition)
int mapRGB1, mapRGB2, constrained1, constrained2;

// Here we take RGBposition and turn it into three RGB values.

// The three values are computed so that the colors mix and
// produce a rainbow of colors across the 0-1023 input range.
// For each channel (red green blue), we're creating a "peak"
// a third of the way along the 0-1023 range. By overlapping
// these peaks with each other, the colors are mixed together.
// This is most easily shown with a diagram:
// Create the red peak, which is centered at 0.
// (Because it's centered at 0, half is after 0, and half
// is before 1023):

mapRGB1 = map(RGBposition, 0, 341, 255, 0);
constrained1 = constrain(mapRGB1, 0, 255);

mapRGB2 = map(RGBposition, 682, 1023, 0, 255);
constrained2 = constrain(mapRGB2, 0, 255);

redValue = constrained1 + constrained2;

/ / Create the green peak, which is centered at 341
// (one-third of the way to 1023):

// Note that we've nested the functions by putting the map()
// function inside the constrain() function. This can make your
// code more compact, and requires fewer variabls:

greenValue = constrain(map(RGBposition, 0, 341, 0, 255), 0, 255)

  • constrain(map(RGBposition, 341, 682, 0,255), 0, 255);

// Create the blue peak, which is centered at 682
// (two-thirds of the way to 1023):

blueValue = constrain(map(RGBposition, 341, 682, 0, 255), 0, 255)

  • constrain(map(RGBposition, 682, 1023, 0, 255), 0, 255);

// Now we have all three brightnesses,
// we just need to display the computed color:

analogWrite(RED_LED_PIN, redValue);
analogWrite(GREEN_LED_PIN, greenValue);
analogWrite(BLUE_LED_PIN, blueValue);

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i got coe problem

Had to give up your Nike sponsorship too?

Had to give up your Nike sponsorship too?

You got there first -- nice one!


i got the code for a single one two work but i dont know how to control both of on Code

What is the question, exactly? What happens? What do you expect to happen?

i want run two of the same codes at the same time.

i got 2 10kpots and both pots controlling one RBG led
i got the code for a single one two work but i dont know how to control both of on Code

Perhaps doing something like that:

struct led_t {byte potiPin; byte ledRedPin; byte ledGreenPin; byte ledBluePin;};

led_t leds[2]={
   { A0, 9, 10, 11},
   { A1, 3, 5, 6},

void setLedByIndex(int i)
  int sensorValue= analogRead(leds[i].potiPin);
  byte redValue, greenValue, blueValue;
  int mapRGB1, mapRGB2, constrained1, constrained2;

      // Here we take RGBposition and turn it into three RGB values.

      // The three values are computed so that the colors mix and 
      // produce a rainbow of colors across the 0-1023 input range.
      // For each channel (red green blue), we're creating a "peak"
      // a third of the way along the 0-1023 range. By overlapping
      // these peaks with each other, the colors are mixed together.
       // This is most easily shown with a diagram:
      // Create the red peak, which is centered at 0.
      // (Because it's centered at 0, half is after 0, and half
      // is before 1023):

  mapRGB1 = map(sensorValue, 0, 341, 255, 0);
  constrained1 = constrain(mapRGB1, 0, 255);

  mapRGB2 = map(sensorValue, 682, 1023, 0, 255);
  constrained2 = constrain(mapRGB2, 0, 255);

  redValue = constrained1 + constrained2;

          // Create the green peak, which is centered at 341
          // (one-third of the way to 1023):

    // Note that we've nested the functions by putting the map()
     // function inside the constrain() function. This can make your
     // code more compact, and requires fewer variabls:

  greenValue = constrain(map(sensorValue, 0, 341, 0, 255), 0, 255)
             - constrain(map(sensorValue, 341, 682, 0,255), 0, 255);

     // Create the blue peak, which is centered at 682
      // (two-thirds of the way to 1023):

  blueValue = constrain(map(sensorValue, 341, 682, 0, 255), 0, 255)
            - constrain(map(sensorValue, 682, 1023, 0, 255), 0, 255);

      // Now we have all three brightnesses,
       // we just need to display the computed color:

  analogWrite(leds[i].ledRedPin, redValue);
  analogWrite(leds[i].ledGreenPin, greenValue);
  analogWrite(leds[i].ledBluePin, blueValue);

void setup()
  // No need for any code here
  // analogWrite() sets up the pins as outputs

void loop()