Hiduino and AVRISP MK2

I've been having some trouble getting my AVRISP MKII to properly program my Atmel 8u2 on the Arduino MEGA2560, however it's "kind of" working. I've been following the instructions on this link...HIDUINO via ISP Method · ddiakopoulos/hiduino Wiki · GitHub. It required the use of avrdude to program via ISP, however I was getting this error (avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device "usb") whenever I wanted to flash the chip...

I was also getting the error in the Arduino IDE when attempting to Upload Using Programmer...

Now, I appear to be able to flash this chip in Atmel Studio 6 however. I can use the AVRISP MKII to erase the 8u2, causing the Arduino to no connect via USB, and then reload the firmware and everything works fine again, and I can send my compiled .hex file to it, and it shows a successful flash.

According to the Hiduino instructions, I should not be able to send sketches to the Arduino after the Hiduino firmware has been flashed to the 8u2. Since the only way it's "working" is with Atmel Studio 6, that's what I tried. But, I am still able to send sketches to the Arduino via USB after doing so, which tells me that the firmware didn't actually flash to the 8u2. Very confused...

The AVRISPmkII is normally under the Jungo drivers. To get it to work from libusb you need to install the libusb-filter driver. This will allow you to use the AVRISPmkII with avrdude on command line with -Pusb.

See, libusb-win32 / Wiki / Home.
Go down to the section "Filter Driver Installation"

(No, I am not affiliated with Hiduino project)

(No, I am not affiliated with Hiduino project)

I don't believe you XD

Thanks for this, I will give it a try. Fingers crossed!

Great!! This got AVRDUDE working properly, thank you!!!