High Lux sunlight sensor

Greetings. Newbie here so just gathering information. The projected project is one to collect sunlight measurements from a garden, store on an SD card, then map intensity of sunlight by time. Trouble is, I find the photo sensors only go to 40,000 lux and from my research, direct sunlight can be as high as 130,000 lux. What sensor would be appropriate? Future revisions would add wifi transmission of data, and various other environmental measurements (humidity, temperature, etc.).

Thanks. My Uno kit is expected shortly and I am fascinated by the possibilities!


Have you thought of adding a 2-stop ND (Neutral Density) filter? That would divide the incoming light by 4 and give you a range up to 160,000 lux.

Have you thought of adding a 2-stop ND (Neutral Density) filter? That would divide the incoming light by 4 and give you a range up to 160,000 lux.

Wow. Simple is good. Thanks! I am trying to contain costs and make this a relatively simple build (at least at first) so your solution may just be perfect. Smart.