I have a question about high negative voltage on osilloscope. I am trying to start and stop control DC motor with TIP122 transistor by signaling D3 pin on ESP-C3-13 kit. There's no problem when I set HIGH D3 pin and scope displays ~12V without any noise. Things getting weird when I set LOW D3 pin. When I set D3 to LOW, scope show -67 V with unstable graph.
I checked FFT graph and found out many noise inside the signal, but it is an easy circuit and shouldn't have kind of noise. If I face with noise I should see same problem at FFT graph on +12V too. Am I correct?
So, can anybody make a comment why I am facing -67 V with unstable graph when I set D3 pin to LOW?
As an additional information, multimeter measure 0 voltage level whereas I see that high negative voltage level on scope when D3 is LOW.
I will to re-solder diode. Then reply you back. Bu it is weird that even if I remove motor from device and attach probes on terminals, I see same result.
Again OK.
I noticed from he scope that the intererence seems to be at 50Hz.
You seem to be picking up intererence from the AC mains. If you connect your scope ground to the circuit ground and measure to either terminal on the motor, do you still see the -67 spikes?
If you take diode off you will have both negative and positive voltages, that voltage is produced by DC motor, put a capacitor 100 nF in parallel to motor terminals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=O6GTZS10-us
Which terminals, show that on schematic.
Do you have spikes when motor is not running?
Hmmm. I conclude that as you and jremington mentioned that this is a grounding issue, if I am correct. This is because when I set D3 pin low, no ground connected to negative motor/probe pin. And thus I see spikes on scope. On the contrary, when I set HIGH on D3, ground connect to motor/probe GND flows through TIP122 and can see stable +12V.
At this stage the question arise into my mind that this huge negative voltage/spikes make problem? Or do you have further suggestion? And why mutlimeter do not show negative spikes with same terminals?
Thank you so much for your helps Learning phase is painful but I enjoy with it too much