HIGH or LOW, 1 or 0?

Can 1 and 0 be used in place of HIGH and LOW when evaluating a pin's level?

int pin_lvl;
pin_lvl = digitalRead(3);
if (pin_lvl == HIGH) break;

or can I use...

int pin_lvl;
pin_lvl = digitalRead(3);
if (pin_lvl == 1) break;

Doesn't seem totally clear to me...

From Arduino Reference Constants - Defining Pin Levels: HIGH and LOW...
...the Arduino (Atmega) will report HIGH if:

  • a voltage greater than 3 volts is present at the pin (5V boards)

Yet from "Wiring.h"...
#define HIGH 0x1
#define LOW 0x0

THinking that if "a voltage greater than 3 volts is present at the pin" then the value from digitalRead is 1 and since HIGH is defined as 1, either HIGH or 1 can be used for the evaluation of the read value. Is that correct?

I use 0 & 1 all the time.

You can define your own names such as SWITCHOFF and SWITCHON or use false and true, in fact anything that evaluates to 0 and 1 will work, but generally HIGH and LOW do for me.

void setup()
Serial.print("HIGH "); Serial.println(HIGH);
Serial.print("true "); Serial.println(true);


Serial.print("LOW "); Serial.println(LOW);
Serial.print("false "); Serial.println(false);


Not tested, but should give you the idea how to test what happens.

It's often clearer to use a descriptive name (as suggested by UKHeliBob). If all your switches or buttons are connected between pin and ground, you can define e.g. PRESSED to be the same as LOW.


void loop()
  if(digitalRead(yourPin) == PRESSED)
    // do something if button is pressed

  if(digitalRead(yourOtherpin) != PRESSED
    // do something if other button is not pressed

If you have a mix of buttons connected to ground and buttons connected to Vcc, you will have to define multiple descriptive names. E.g.

#define BTN1_PRESSED LOW   // button 1 is LOW when pressed
#define BTN2_PRESSED HIGH  // button 2 is HIGH when pressed

You can #undef the macros in wiring.h and create something a little more fun.

I like the bored programmers way of defining true/false, 0/1

#define HIGH  '/'/'/'
#define LOW '-'-'-'