High power motor control

I'm having 2 DC motors , which works for 36v-48v

and I need to control them, using Arduino.
I used L298n H-bridge and it get barn.
what can I do ?

please help me.
thank you.

You can buy a high power motor controller, but to choose one you will need to know the stall current of the motors.

can we use relay circuit for that ? do you have any circuit diagram for that ??

A relay will work, but to choose one, you again need to know the stall current of the motors.

How can I find stall current in my motor ??

If you can find the make and model number, the manufacturer's data sheet will tell you what the stall current is, at some nominal voltage. If you can't find those data, estimate the stall current by measuring the motor current at a low voltage (say 3-6 volts, to avoid burning your equipment) with the shaft locked. At higher motor power supply voltages, the stall current will be proportionally higher.

Stall current = supply voltage / winding resistance

To measure small resistances its usually more accurate to pass a fixed known current
and measure the voltage drop as above (shaft clamped stationary). Most multimeters
are pretty inaccurate for resistances under an ohm or two.

Note that if you instantaneously reverse the drive voltage to a motor it will pull
twice the stall current as it struggles to respond. Its best to ramp drive up and down
smoothly to prevent these current peaks (for large motors this can damage the motor or