Greetings everyone. I've recently finished grad school and have harbored a desire to create a flight-controlled rocket-powered glider. I've done a lot of the math and physics calculations relevant to my objectives, but am somewhat ignorant of the world of robotics. I'm hoping you can provide some input.
The objective is to create a series of vehicles that will reach gradually higher elevations via rocket power (i.e. D to H engines, then homemade chemical engines). At peak altitude, wings deploy to slow the descent, negating the need for a parachute. The vehicle could then autonomously navigate to the launch coordinates.
I am confident in the ability to create and launch a rocket, but I am ignorant of the quality or capabilities of arduino servos, etc. The servos would need to sustain substantial forces, and then be able to accurately control wings etc for the descent. Also, the controlling processor would need to work in real-time. That said, arduino seems like the obvious choice as it's cheap and readily available.
Can anyone speak to the quality of parts or which ones might be best for flight control (especially after being subject to launch forces)?
Servos etc. are not specific to Arduino, find yourself which items fit your needs. Rocket forums are better places for asking such questions. Arduino boards with only soldered parts (no sockets) should sustain the shock and acceleration, if mounted properly.
I don't understand what flight control you have in mind. E.g. a compass module can assist in following a specific direction, but what else do you expect?
Just be aware that, depending where you are, there are tight restrictions on where, how high and how far you can fly.
Many place it as (where).......... depends on your countries aviation controllers.
(how high)...... many are limited to 300ft.
(how far) ....... usually line of sight.
As far as gear required,without any detail, check out length of piece of string.
Also check with authorities about "guided rockets", some see this as an attempt to make a "Cruise" missile.
Cruise Missile == Guided Rocket
Thanks everyone for the replies. A couple responses (and further questions):
Rocket builders typically do not use electronics or robotics like this, so this is an unusual blend of technologies. That's why I came here to learn more.
Most high performance rockets rely on angular momentum (spinning) to increase launch accuracy (like a spinning football). The energy that goes into the spin is significant, and every time you spin, you are losing energy to friction (the fins create drag). By keeping the flight path perfectly straight, you decrease the energy loss to friction, and save all the energy that would have otherwise gone into angular momentum. The energy saved goes into increasing your overall maximum altitude.
Regarding FAA/legal stuff: Correct, there are limitations, but I am aware of the channels to get FAA clearance. Also, my local rocket club has a launch site we can use for certain altitudes. Regarding rocket plans, ITAR will prevent me from sharing any real designs, but it is perfectly legal to make and fly these on your own. Just not sell or share. The thing I really want to share is the experience of making these with my dad and my sons. And sharing the GoPro video we capture
The real challenge I face is making the rocket fly perfectly straight during the ascent (or perhaps slightly tilted into the wind). If the fins of the rocket are controlled by servos of some kind, they could correct any spin/tilt/anomaly during flight. They would need to be very precise, and have rapid update rates.
I'm thinking anything around 100 Hz should be sufficient for moderate power, but 5-10 Hz would get me started with small rockets. For very high power, I'd want even higher than that.
So that's one part. The other is the computation. I'd need accelerometers to detect flight path direction, and a CPU that could rapidly compute a few physics equations. Those would need to be translated into directions for the servos. I can do all the math and programming, but I don't know what the hardware capabilities are for arduino or otherwise.
Glad to hear that you master the math - I would not. I only can guess that you need a controller with a hardware floating point unit.
If by chance you live in the US, look for a Tripoli Rocketry prefecture in your area. Tripoli certification begins with "I" rocket motors and goes way up. I've participated in launches with rockets burning "O" motors. Awesome! Larger rockets gives you the ability to have electronics, servos, etcetera.
The point is that you will find many people who are seriously into rocketry, and many will be using sophisticated electronics.
In the US, guiding a rocket in any phase but reentry is illegal just as bluejets stated. They are watching activities and rockets motor purchases for possible bad guys.
Others have unfolded wings at apogee for return flight, so it's definitely worth pursuing if that's your goal.
A good club can help you with your rocket, the law, and if you join Tripoli, you're covered by their flight insurance when you fly at one of their launches.
Do an internet search for "Black Rock" and rockets. It's an annual high power event at the Black Rock Desert in California. The day Black Rock is over, "Balls" is held. You have to have them to be there.
I am a past member of Tripoli, and am in no way associated with or represent that organization.
Look at
on Youtube, he has been building a spacex model with vector thrust control and on board stability electronics to try for controlled landings.
Think you'll find that servos from rc aircraft are usually fairly responsive and accurate, however if you are working with higher accuracy you may need to go to digital servos that have much higher resolution.
It may even be that, because of the very small movements required for corrections, you may have to end up designing your own perhaps on a worm drive arrangement.
As others have said, it is my experience with r/c aircraft at least, and I imagine the same for rocketry, joining and asking club people is usually the best advice you will get.
( well, there are exceptions BUT......)
I find this next quote to be hard to imagine..........
" Rocket builders typically do not use electronics or robotics like this"
Thanks again everyone! Great advice about and guidance on where to start. I think I'll be starting with a simple rocket, but there's definitely some research that needs to be done regarding guidance. I thought the rules were strictly aligned with sales/export/etc (you can see all those caveats on the page too).