I am starting experiments on a setup next week and was interested in using a standalone Arduino application next to the (overkill) Matlab dSpace interface. I really like Matlab and Simulink, but I am intrigued by the idea of implementing a control loop within the Atmega 328P.
Here's the setup;
Reference input, an audio signal, so both positive and negative voltages
Sensor output, an accelerometer, putting out both positive and negative voltages
Once I find a control loop, say, just an error times a transferfunction, it would be nice to implement it in an Arduino environment
Here's the issue;
I want a "sample 2 inputs -> substrackt -> run filter-> output"-time of say 1/10000 s = 100 us
Assume the filter to be quite "filled with dynamics". So no simple 1 zero 2 poles transfer function.
Do any of you have experience with similar implementations? I am not sure whether the Atmega can do this at ease or if it is impossible.
I read about implementing Simulink code on an Arduino. That would be awesome, but then again, I am not sure the (calculation)speed is high enough for my goals.
If it's impossible to do, so be it. However, if with little modifications something like this can be accomplished, that would be great!