Himalaya Matrix Core - Board Manager?

I got an

HIMALAYA Matrix-Core ESP32 dev board with ESP32 WiFi+Bluetooth IoT

the chip says: eBox&Widora Model ESP32-Bit

And I am having trouble finding the right Board Manager in Arduino IDE for this board - can any one help me?

Hi @pegholm. Here are the installation instructions:


Thank you
I already dit that. I am having trouble choosing the right one for the Matrix Core Board. (In the "Stable release")
Thought it might be Widora Air

But it is not working:

Arduino: 1.8.20 Hourly Build 2021/12/20 07:34 (Mac OS X), Board: "Widora AIR, 80MHz, 115200"

Sketch uses 197340 bytes (15%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1310720 bytes.
Global variables use 13084 bytes (3%) of dynamic memory, leaving 314596 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes.
esptool.py v3.0-dev
Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-02076666

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header
A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

Unfortunately, I don't know much about identifying which ESP32 board selection to use when there isn't a specific entry for the product you are using. My guess is that a lot of those board entries are identical, and only there to make it easy for the users (e.g., "I have an Adafruit ESP32 Feather, so I pick that board").

I ran into that problem after buying a random ESP32 board off eBay. I don't recall how I chose the board selection I did, but I've just used that ever since and had no problems.

My guess would be that your problem is not related to the board selection. With some of the ESP32 boards, it is necessary to press and release one of the buttons on the board when you see that "Connecting" show up in the black output panel at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window.

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Hoping someone have tried to connect and can help me.

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