hitec servo question

hi i am planning to make a robot arm that requires 180deg rotation.

ive set my eyes on hightec hs325hb servo motors

i know most standard sized servos rotate 180deg via arduino.

but when i asked the person who sells them he keeps sayin it rotates only 90deg...

i cant find the info anywhere on the net so as a last resort ive came here for help!

can hightech servos , specifically hs325hb be rotated 180?? via arduino??

also i am controlling two servos,,, is it possible to use servo.write to simultaneously control two servos?


Googling for hs-325hb datasheet leads to this 2nd. hit: Hitec HS-325HB Servo Specifications and Reviews.
It tells you you won't have 180 degrees.

I can't tell you how accurate that site is (it doesn't seem to be related to the producer of the servo).

You cannot do 2 things simultaneously with an Arduino.
But you can do things very fast one after another so that it seems to happen at the same time.
Learn a bit about how servos are controlled, and find out whether or not it would be needed to do things simultaneously.
Keep in mind that a servo needs to overcome some momentum, leading to a delay of sorts.

i know most standard sized servos rotate 180deg via arduino.

Wrong, so wrong.... Most have somewhere around 120 to 150 degree motion, which
is perfectly adequate for their role in RC planes as control-surface actuators.