HM-10 BLE bluetooth module

Im fairly new to all this arduino, and bought a couple of different modules. I have a relay and a HM-10 Bluetooth module as this one in the link.

I would like to connect both to the arduino, to be able to turn on/off various 220V AC stuff around the house.
however im having trouble connecting to it. I have tried various tuturials online, and nothing seems to work.
I followed this tut -

Open the Arduino software, then upload Examples -> SoftwareSerial -> SoftwareSerialExample to your device

HM-10 TX - Arduino Pin 10 softRX
HM-10 RX - Arduino Pin 11 softTX
HM-10 GND - Arduino GND
HM-10 VCC - Arduino 3.3V

Open the serial monitor at 9600 baud.

The BLE module uses AT Commands to read and write system information, they do not need to be followed by a line break. If you don't get a response when you enter a command something may not be connected properly and you'll need to troubleshoot your module.

When you're connected type:
AT - it should respond with OK

You can find your firmware version:
AT+VERS? - firmware version

And set your device's name:
AT+NAME? - get current name
AT+NAMEyourname - set the name (12 chars max)

But it does'nt work.
When i wirte AT in the serialmonitor, It does absolutely nothing.

At first by accident i connected the module by 5V, so im afraid it's burned, but i still blinks. any way to test this?
My phone can identify the module as HC05 but fails to connect, and doesn't even ask for password.
and my pc identify 3 "unknown" bluetooth devises both can't connect to any of them?

any suggestions? hope to get some help as im totally lost here :o
Best regards Martin

At first by accident i connected the module by 5V,
any suggestions?

One suggestion is to look at the back of the module and see if there is anything about power written there.

You might find the following background notes useful