HM-10 wireless communication AT commands not working

So, i have managed after lots of struggling and lots of great help to make an IMU6050 datalogger. It has a micro SD card reader, micro SD card, start and stop buttons on a nano with the IMU6050 providing the data. However, as it currently stands, because i need 5 IMU's, i would need 5 SD cards, not practical or affordable for me. So i have bought 5 HM-10 BLE modules, but cannot find any tutorials that fit my needs, and the tutorials i have gone through don't seem to work or are using smartphones to communicate to the module.

What i need to do is have 4 nano boards, all with an IMU, sending data from the IMU's to a central Arduino Mega2560 via wireless communication which then saves the data to an SD card. I can either try to have the Mega on the bike that i'm measuring so that has an accelerometer too, or have 5 Nano/ sensor systems on the bike, and communicate to a Mega connected via USB to my laptop/ the serial monitor (if needed).

So, does anyone have any code, or know of a tutorial, for sending serial data from one Arduino to a second Arduino, using hm-10 BLE modules? and if you do, will i need a serial adapter? Thanks

If this is impractical or impossible with the hardware i have, how could i physically wire all the arduino's together and communicate via i2C. I have all the IMU's connected to pins A4 and A5 for I2C communication. would it be running wires from those pins on each nano directly to the mega? How would i set up mega as a master and nano's as slaves? thanks

It probably makes more sense to use a network of NRF24s instead. They are made with this sort of thing in mind.

after researching i very much agree with you, however i'm stuck with these. Is there any way that these can be used to get it working, even badly, until Tuesday when the NRF24L01's turn up?

I have never used my HM-10s. The best info I know of is here
I don't think I2C is a bluetooth substitute, I believe there are distance limitations.

So, does anyone have any code, or know of a tutorial, for sending serial data from one Arduino to a second Arduino, using hm-10 BLE modules? and if you do, will i need a serial adapter?

I have not used an HM-10 but I do not think an HM-10 can receive from 4/5 other HM-10s.

5 Nano/ sensor systems on the bike, and communicate to a Mega connected via USB to my laptop/ the serial monitor (if needed).

If the goal is to get IMU data to a PC without wires, I have used BLE devices that send data to a Raspberry Pi 3 running node.js.

node.js with the noble BLE library supports BLE central and peripheral on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The server must have BLE hardware which could be as simple a USB Bluetooth 4.0 or higher gadget.

For example, this node.js package supports the HM-10.

ESP8266 WiFi is a much faster option if BLE is too slow.

Thanks for all your replies, I've decided to go with nick_pryners advice and have purchased 6 nrf24's to use instead. Am sure I will be making another post when I can't get 6 arduinos working together! Thanks for your help. Ross