Home automation controlled outlet

Hi guys! I'm going to build a Home automation controlled outlet I want some suggestions for the components that I will use for it.

Project overview: Using mobile application and access it via WiFi to control the Outlet.

Currently, I'm thinking of using Arduino Uno and esp2866 is this two compatible? I tried to search in Google but makes me confused because different components they are using, thank you in advance.

First job, unless you’re experienced and qualified, go search for a controllable mains relay or outlet that meets safety and isolation requirements.

Then the easy part, writing code.

My page on Home Automation has a number of mains switching remote controlled projects. Each with the warning

WARNING: This project is for Experienced Constructors Only. The board is Mains Powered and can be deadly if any part of it is touched while it is running.

It's not easy to build something like that, especially if you want it to fit into an outlet box. So I recommend buying one. They typically cost about $50 and you can buy modules to replace your existing outlet or modules that plug-in.

Wi-Fi is not the most popular standard but they do exist. Z-Wave and Zigbee are the most common standards and then there are hubs that can connect to Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or the cell phone network, etc. The hub does add cost so if you only want to control one outlet, Wi-fi might be the best way to go.

I have a Z-Wave setup with a programmable hub it runs stand-alone to turn lights at sundown, etc., or I can control it over the network. My particular hub doesn't have Wi-Fi built-in, it plugs into the router so I can control it over my Wi-Fi network.


Not really.

The UNO is impractical for most "real world" applications - its primary use is where there is a matching "shield" which implements all the interfacing functions you require. Otherwise it is difficult to use as it only has socket headers arranged in a particular and inconvenient manner.

Were you to need an Arduino, the Nano is the main "workhorse" or a Pro Mini if you do not need the USB interface after initial programming.

But the ESP8266 is a much more powerful controller, so there is no real reason to add an Arduino to it.

Have you looked at the Sonoff Mini (which in fact uses the ESP8266)?

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There is also a smart plug.

The question is - how "hackable" are all these smart plugs?

I agree with DVDdoug - re-inventing the wheel is quite a waste of time, buying one (and $50 is seriously "high end" these days) is going to be far cheaper, easier and safer.

But most - other than a "system" - are indeed WiFi and come with some smartphone "app" rather than interface details. You probably need to set one up and sniff the transactions, hopefully to figure out whatever protocol they use. :worried:

Smart plugs are ESP8266 based.
Work with Home Assistant. Node Red. Alexa etc.
I dont think anyone has hacked and made an Arduino library yet

the problem with all that stuff is you have to give a Chinese company
[and now the Chinese gov] your credentials , and then if the Chinese gov has a hissy fit with your country your automated house could be left out in the cold
its not worth trying to build one i use sonoffs and repurpose them to act like fauxmo iot things [remove the middle man as much as possible]


I am pretty sure they already have them. :roll_eyes:


So basically you are saying I can use esp2866 without using Arduino? If that so can you suggest a board what would definitely fit for it, thanks.

Hi good day sir I appreciate it. I'm not going to use the system personally instead it's our end year project (thesis)

The smart plug uses an ESP8266.

You can use relay module that accepts an ESP8266 to plug in.

the problem with all that stuff is you have to give a Chinese company
[and now the Chinese gov] your credentials , and then if the Chinese gov has a hissy fit with your country your automated house could be left out in the cold
its not worth trying to build one i use sonoffs and repurpose them to act like fauxmo iot things [remove the middle man as much as possible]

maybe you did not know that iTead , the largest Chinese electronics supplier.... uses ESP8266 in it's Sonoff devices.

ESP8266 based ITEAD Sonoff devices

Many of us believe that the ESP products have a hard coded address and abilities that can be switched off or on at the whim of the manufacturer.

it is a simple thing for your device to go on-line, ping an address, then get on with it's business.

we know, based on documents from Facebook that your conversations are recorded if you have logged in with facebook at any time. reboot and do nothing, put your phone down let is sleep
have conversations about ice skates around it. do that for a few days and when you google for Arduino... you will get ads for ice skates.

I just did. See #6. :sunglasses:

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