Home automation project

Hello all
New to the forums and to arduino.as a whole.
I've been wanting to dip my toes into the world.of arduino for a while now and been thinking of a project to
Work towards.

My goal woukd be to create a home automation system with voice control.

To start with I'd like to use controllable plug and light sockets (similar to hue) then add wireless motion/temp sensors and the like as I go along.

Ideally I'd like to be abke to control by voice commands.
"trigger word" "turn on kitchen light" " dim bedroom light to 50%" "turn on TV" etc

I'm doing a lot of reading and research into this and finding.many different approaches and issues/barriers. What I'm not a 100% sure on is if this is even currently achievable. And what might be the best path/s to head down if it is.

I really like the movi shield and think it could fit my needs if I can integrate all the other parts.

I understand things like Google home and alexa are starting to do these things. So may opt for them in the future. But ideally I'd like to give it a go myself and the cost of all these components become to much.

It's more a long term project to build on. learn how to achieve it.

Can anyone offer any feedback, advice or tips/ hints etc. Would have much appreciated.

https://www.mysensors.org is can good place to strart

Start with voice recognition apps on Android. That is the biggest hurdle in all of this and these apps can already communicate with Arduino over Bluetooth. The rest is cake. Look into building or buying RF controlled relays and really that's all there is to it.

I didn't look through this but it probably will start you off.

If you really want some actual diy gratification, play around with the MIT App Inventor.

Cheers for the links guys, working my way through the mysensor site now.

Feeling a lot more confident in being abke to create and plan it all.

On the voice control issue, is the Android app path the best to look at right now? Does anyone have any experience with movi