HomeKit-esp8266 accessory disappearing

Hello, I dont see a forum category for the ESP8266 but the ESP32 is pretty similar. Im using the HomeKit esp8266 library with said board.
I started with the simple Example02_Switch which allows you to control the on board led pin on the ESP8266, no issues, my phone (12 pro max w ios 17) saw the device added & controlled it no problem, I rebooted the esp8266 a few times, changed to a battery pwr supply, every time it would connect right away & function as intended.
I then moved on to incorporate a dht11 temp tensor into the device building off of the Example01-Temp-Sensor with the DHT11 library & deleted the old device from the HomeKit on my phone, however now no matter what I do my phone will not see the accessory under "add new accessories" in the HomeKit app, ive even flashed the exact code that worked the first time (literally "Example02-Switch" with only adding my ssid & password), ive tried simpler / other homekit examples, even a different phone running ios16.6.1 the board flashes fine, joins the network fine & just returns

I am new to the homekit arduino library & still pretty new to most coding so im scratching my head at the moment. It seems as is my Homekit hub or phone blacklisted it after deleting it, everything on the board seems to work fine, I could be wrong.

I have a coworker with almost the exact same issue, any help would be greatly appreciated!

this is the category for the Arduino product Nano ESP32
I'm moving your question to the general programming questions category

links to your libraries could help

(may be you are using GitHub - maximkulkin/esp-homekit: Apple HomeKit accessory server library for ESP-OPEN-RTOS ? consider GitHub - HomeSpan/HomeSpan: HomeKit Library for the Arduino-ESP32 instead I think it works also on ESP8266(EDIT may be not))

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