Hosting for Tcp Server


Where I can host my Tcp Server? I was trying host on but there I have a problem. Arduino is disconnected after few minutes. But when I am trying on the local server all is working fine.
So when I can host my server?

I wrote Tcp server on Nodejs and I connected Arduino with Ethernet Shield W5100.

Arduino is disconnected after few minutes.

Did you check that it's not your internet router that is causing this problem? I don't know but the description of your problem sounds more like a local problem.

I have this problem by last several days. The problem always is the same. I connected Arduino with server hosted on and he is lost my connection after 6 minutes -> always. On the local server, Arduino is working perfectly. I disabled firewall in my router too.

So now I would like to check my server with the different host company.

I connected Arduino with server hosted on and he is lost my connection after 6 minutes -> always. On the local server, Arduino is working perfectly. I disabled firewall in my router too.

The problem in the router is not the firewall but the NAT. That keeps a connection table that is reset from time to time if not traffic is seen (depending on the router OS it may also be reset for other reasons). My guess is that this happens to your connection. But the same may be true for the other side. As I already wrote, I don't know, so if they're using some kind of load balancing or DNAT they may be responsible for the disconnect.

Does your Arduino->server connection has some kind of keep-alive packet?

So now I would like to check my server with the different host company.

Feel free to do so.