How Activate a barcode scanner with a bc548 and a nodemcu?

I'm trying to use a bc548 as switch to turn on a barcode scanner.

The scanner is powered with 3.3v and consumes 50 mAh. I'm using a NodeMCu to trigger the bc548. Pin4 has 3V3.

What should be the value of the resitor on the transistor base?

Is there a better way to do this?

I tried to use a solid state relay but for some reason it has a resistance of 2k ohm when it is activated and then the scanner does not work.


Never underestimate the utility of a relay.

1k at the base should do it. It will keep your base current at about 2.5mA or less but it will reduce voltage to scanner by about 0.2V. I wonder if your solid state relay needs a higher voltage to turn on fully. Other options include relay or a good logic level mosfet designed for 3.3v.

1k at the base should do it. It will keep your base current at about 2.5mA or less but it will reduce voltage to scanner by about 0.2V. I wonder if your solid state relay needs a higher voltage to turn on fully. Other options include relay or a good logic level mosfet designed for 3.3v.

Hello, you are right with the voltage drop does not work because I am already at the limit of 3.3 volts.
I'm trying to use the relay again.
Using the relay as a switch, should I interrupt vcc or gnd?

Since relays don't mind whether you switch VCC or Gnd, I prefer switching VCC.