How 'bout a Little help?

After many days I have used my Arduino and I am starting to make projects.(I am total noob i say).
So This time i have made a stick for the blind people where there is an ultrasonic sensor below and a buzzer beeps whenever some obstacle is nearby ( it's a common project, I know). But this time i had an idea. So
Whenever an obstacle comes nearby, instead of beeping, i want the the stick to say the distance of the incoming obstacle.
So it should be like - Beep Beep Beep , Incoming Obstacle in 5cm
So what Sensors and module would be needed for this project? And can someone tell the code for this (I literally do not know a thing).
And thanks for your help in advance.

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While it's a doable project using Arduino, it's pretty ambitious for a first project.

Distance measuring aids are not uncommon, and I'll bet there is a really good reason why they don't announce the distance. Hearing "beep, beep, beep" constantly is annoying, and adding a cacophony of "incoming obstacle in.." just adds to the irritating noise. I really don't think the person using the device cares if the obstacle is 5cm, 10cm or 20cm from the probe. They just want to know if they are in danger of tripping. I think the better solution would be to shorten the time between beeps as the object gets closer.

There are a few different distance measuring modules, but I would like to use VL53L0X Time of Flight (ToF) Laser Ranging Sensor Breakout.

I have absolutely no idea why it's called a "time of flight" module when all it does is measure distance down to a few cm.

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It measures the time photons take to be emitted from the sensor, bounce back, and return.

It measures the "time of flight" of a photon.

No one here likes giving away code.

EDIT - Except @johnwasser

That's awfully close. What kind of range do you want? Cheap HC-SR04 modules can reach ~200cm.

Also you could probably use one of Sparkfun's many, many sound boards.

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Time of light?


I didn't name it.

Perhaps more to the point it would be far too slow to be of any use whatsoever. :grimacing:

Now you're talking!

Interestingly the spacing between beeps now corresponds to the actual time of flight. :rofl:

Hi guys. I actually made my project ! So i connected my stick to my phone through Bluetooth and and made it send commands to the phone. So now the the project is complete.

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