?how can i bulid 3d radar by using ultraSonic sensors

hello everyone,

as i mentioned in title , i want to build a 3d radar by using ultraSonic sensors , but a don't know how Whether it is in the code or equations or how to configure the electronic circuit

so if you know how , please tell me


What is your plan for pointing the ultrasonic sensor in known directions?

This project should give you some ideas (substitute the ultrasonic sensor for the lidar): Hobby Lidar Build - Page 1

I don't know what your expectations of a 3D sonar are, but the common HC-SR04 devices have too wide a beam to make them suitable for anything other than very low resolution imaging.
Narrow(er) beam devices are available, but are not so cheap or readily available.

i want share with you a video for guy he made a airsoft turret and use with it 3 ultraSonic sensors
Homemade airsoft turret suspension diary
go to (3.26 min)
I hope that the idea, which I want to reach, has become clear to you.
so my question now how he did it

You mean the bit where he decides it doesn't work?

(Other than that, nice-looking build)

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LOL :wink:

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