Dear All,
First of all, Sorry for my English, It's not my first language.
But I will do my best I can describe....
I'm a beginner about Arduino and any engineering, Electronic things
(I've been art Uni..LOL)
I recently knew about Arduino and really love to digging into it.
And I just started my personal project (making robot arms with Arduino).
I nearly finished it. And tested well.
But my question is..I'm not sure How much watts it need to be supplied..
I remember..voltage X Amp = Watts...
there are Arduino Mega and 1 DC motor, 3 survo motor, 1 nema 23 stepper motor, 2 nema 17stepper motor.
My calculation is...
Arduino Mega 0.27 watts
Dc motor 12V 13.57 watts (at max power)
3units servo motor(SG5010)
Can't find in datasheet..
I just assume 6V X 500mA...3 watts X 3units
2units Nema17 (17HS24-2104S)
I will supply 48V and 2A(DRV8825 driver) 96 watts X 2 units
Nema 23 (23HE45-4204S)
I will supply 60V and 4.3A(DM860T driver) 258 watts
And 2 LED and 4 Photo Resistor sensors.. And 2 hall sensors..
But those sensors are just need little amount of watts they need i think..
So i would like to add just few watts for it and in case of extension.
Also I will use 48V switch power supply with voltage regulator if I can..
the voltage regulator will be
And LM2596S..
(I heard that regulator need some power itself.)
472.84 watts + some extra...I can calculate
So can I supply with 48V switch power supply 600W 12.5A in max power?
Or need to concern any other power?
And If I change the voltage with regulator..will be any different method for watts??
I was thinking 1,000 watts one..But maybe it will be wasted money and power..
Could you advice for me?
Thank you for reading this and your time!!!
everyone read this, Have a great day!