i use lcd display 16x2 with i2c but when i upload to arduino uno of code, lcd does not show anything. so i tried to change code according to lcd i2c but it does not work. so how can i change code normal lcd to i2c lcd code
/* Irradiation meter using Solar Cell by Solarduino */
// Note : Safety is very important when dealing with electricity. We take no responsibilities while you do it at your own risk.
// Note : Irradiation meter is designed to measure and record the irradiation level for PV system performance check and feasibility study.
// Note : Irradiation can measure and record (in SD card) instantaneous short circuit current (Isc) of panel, instantaneous Irradiation (W/m2) and daily Irradiation Energy in (W/m2/day)
// Note : The daily Irradiation Energy is reset everyday or reset upon power outage (power supply to Arduino).
// Note : The accuracy of the Irradiation is subject to the quality of user's solar cell and current module sensor.
// Note : The Short Circuit Current of panel is recommended to be slightly lower or near the maximum range of current sensor for better accuracy results.
// Note : The Irradiation is 100% subject to measured current and temperature coeffecient is neglected as it has almost negligible effect
// Note : The temperature coefficient is neglected so that do not need additional temperature probe, furthermore 65 degree celcius under hot sun (40 degree temperature diference from STC) only performing 2.5% difference.
// Note : The unit provides reasonable accuracy and may not be comparable with other expensive branded and commercial irradiation meter.
// Note : All credit shall be given to Solarduino.
/* 0- General */
int decimalPrecision = 2; /* decimal places for only for current value shown in LED Display */
/* 1- DC Current & Irradiation */
int CurrentAnalogInputPin = A1; // Which pin to measure Current Value
float mVperAmpValue = 185; // If using ACS712 current module : for 5A module key in 185, for 20A module key in 100, for 30A module key in 66
// If using WCS current module : for 0.25A module key in 7000, for 0.5A module key in 3500, for 1.0A module key in 2000, for 2.0A module key in 1000.
float moduleMiddleVoltage = 2500; // key in middle voltage value in mV. For 5V power supply key in 2500, for 3.3V power supply, key in 1650 mV
float moduleSupplyVoltage = 5000; // supply voltage to current sensor module in mV, default 5000mV, may use 3300mV
float currentSampleRead = 0; /* to read the value of a sample*/
float currentLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each sample. Technically 1 milli second 1 sample is taken */
float currentSampleSum = 0; /* accumulation of sample readings */
float currentSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample. */
float currentMean ; /* to calculate the average value from all samples*/
float finalCurrent ; /* the final current reading without taking offset value*/
float finalCurrent2 ; /* the final current reading*/
float ShortCircuitCurrentSTC = 2.9 ; // Key in the Short Circuit Current (At STC condition) of your Solar Panel or Solar Cell. Value 9 showing 9.0A Isc Panel.
float Irradiation = 0.00; /* This shows the irradiation level in W/m2.
/* 1.1 - Offset DC Current */
int OffsetRead = 0; /* To switch between functions for auto callibation purpose */
float currentOffset =0.00; // to Offset deviation and accuracy. Offset any fake current when no current operates.
// the offset will automatically done when you press the <SELECT> button on the LCD display module.
// you may manually set offset here if you do not have LCD shield
float offsetLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each sample. Technically 1 milli second 1 sample is taken */
float offsetSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample. */
/* 1.2 - Average Accumulate Irradiation */
float accumulateIrradiation = 0; /* Amount of accumulate irradiation*/
unsigned long startMillisIrradiation; /* start counting time for irradiation energy */
unsigned long currentMillisIrradiation; /* current counting time for irradiation energy */
const unsigned long periodIrradiation = 1000; // refresh every X seconds (in seconds) Default 1000 = 1 second
float FinalAccumulateIrradiationValue = 0; /* shows the final accumulate irradiation reading*/
/* 2 - LCD Display */
#include<LiquidCrystal.h> /*Load the liquid Crystal Library (by default already built-it with arduino solftware)*/
LiquidCrystal LCD(8,9,4,5,6,7); /*Creating the LiquidCrystal object named LCD */
unsigned long startMillisLCD; /* start counting time for LCD Display */
unsigned long currentMillisLCD; /* current counting time for LCD Display */
const unsigned long periodLCD = 1000; // refresh every X seconds (in seconds) in LED Display. Default 1000 = 1 second
void setup()
/* 0- General */
Serial.begin(9600); /* In order to see value in serial monitor */
/* 1.2 - Average Accumulate Irradiation */
startMillisIrradiation = millis(); /* Record initial starting time for daily irradiation */
/* 2 - LCD Display */
LCD.begin(16,2); /* Tell Arduino that our LCD has 16 columns and 2 rows*/
LCD.setCursor(0,0); /* Set LCD to upper left corner to start display*/
startMillisLCD = millis(); /* Record initial starting time for LCD Display refresh rate. */
void loop()
/* 0.1- Button Function */
int buttonRead;
buttonRead = analogRead (0); // Read analog pin A0. By default the LCD Display shield already assigned A0 as button function. Cannot change.
/*Right button is pressed */
if (buttonRead < 60)
{ LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS <SELECT> "); }
/* Up button is pressed */
else if (buttonRead < 200)
{ LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS <SELECT> "); }
/* Down button is pressed */
else if (buttonRead < 400)
{ LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS <SELECT> "); }
/* Left button is pressed */
else if (buttonRead < 600)
{ LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS <SELECT> "); }
/* Select button is pressed */
else if (buttonRead < 800)
OffsetRead = 1; // to activate offset when button <SELECT> is pressed
LCD.print ("INITIALIZING..... ");
LCD.print ("WAIT 5 SEC ..... ");
/* 1- DC Current & Irradiation */
if(millis() >= currentLastSample + 1 ) /* every 1 milli second taking 1 reading */
currentSampleRead = analogRead(CurrentAnalogInputPin)-((moduleMiddleVoltage/moduleSupplyVoltage)*1024); /* read the sample value */
currentSampleSum = currentSampleSum + currentSampleRead ; /* accumulate value with older sample readings*/
currentSampleCount = currentSampleCount + 1; /* to move on to the next following count */
currentLastSample = millis(); /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again*/
if(currentSampleCount == 1000) /* after 1000 count or 1000 milli seconds (1 second), do the calculation and display value*/
currentMean = currentSampleSum/currentSampleCount; /* calculate average value of all sample readings taken*/
finalCurrent = (((currentMean /1024)*moduleSupplyVoltage)/mVperAmpValue); /* calculate the final current (without offset)*/
finalCurrent2 = finalCurrent+currentOffset; /* The final current */
Irradiation = (finalCurrent2/ShortCircuitCurrentSTC*1000);
Serial.print(" A ");
Serial.print(" W/m2 ");
currentSampleSum =0; /* to reset accumulate sample values for the next cycle */
currentSampleCount=0; /* to reset number of sample for the next cycle */
/* 1.1 - Offset DC Current */
if(OffsetRead == 1)
currentOffset = 0; /* set back currentOffset as default first*/
if(millis() >= offsetLastSample + 1) /* offset 1 - to centralise analogRead waveform*/
offsetSampleCount = offsetSampleCount + 1;
offsetLastSample = millis();
if(offsetSampleCount == 2500) /* need to wait awhile as to get new value before offset take into calculation. */
{ /* So this code is to delay 2.5 seconds after button pressed */
currentOffset = - finalCurrent; /* to offset values */
OffsetRead = 0; /* until next offset button is pressed*/
offsetSampleCount = 0; /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again */
LCD.print ("OFFSET..... ");
LCD.print ("DONE ..... ");
/* 1.2 - Average Accumulate Irradiation */
currentMillisIrradiation = millis(); /* Count the time for current */
if (currentMillisIrradiation - startMillisIrradiation >= periodIrradiation)
accumulateIrradiation = Irradiation/3600*(periodIrradiation/1000); /* for smoothing calculation*/
FinalAccumulateIrradiationValue = FinalAccumulateIrradiationValue + accumulateIrradiation ;
Serial.println(" Wh/m2/day");
startMillisIrradiation = currentMillisIrradiation ; /* Set the starting point again for next counting time */
/* 2 - LCD Display */
currentMillisLCD = millis();
if (currentMillisLCD - startMillisLCD >= periodLCD)
LCD.setCursor(0,0); /* Set cursor to first colum 0 and second row 1 */
LCD.print(finalCurrent2,decimalPrecision); /* display voltage value in LCD in first row */
LCD.print(" A ");
LCD.print(Irradiation,0); /* display current value in LCD in first row */
LCD.print(" W/m2 ");
LCD.print(FinalAccumulateIrradiationValue,0); /* display current value in LCD in first row */
LCD.print(" Wh/m2/day ");
startMillisLCD = currentMillisLCD ; /* Set the starting point again for next counting time */