How can I connect 2 arduino With a bluetooth?

Hi! I am a Noob !

I am writing my application for my 2 arduinos Mega.... but i have a question... How I can connect two arduino, one master and one slave, but the master who has a bluetooth module to control my 2 arduino wirelessly?


Well you do have a second bluetooth module for the other right? Or are you connecting the master to a power supply and the other one to the computer which as bluetooth?

mmm... i only have one Bluetooth module for the arduino mega master... and with arduino mega master I want to control the arduino mega slave... with out cables...

Well how is the slave going to receive the commands if it doesn't have any cables or bluetooth to it?
Please describe how you want the setup to be, how things are connected and such.

I want to connect the 2 arduinos with serial cables and the master also with a bluetooth module.... And i will control it with my computer by bluetooth...

Does arduino have more than 1 serial port??


So you are connecting both to the computer and one will be sending commands to the computer via bluetooth and those commands will tell the other arduino to do stuff.

Should work, what is the bluetooth module that you are using?

I am going to try to explain my project...

COMPUTER Arduino Master -------serial---------Arduino Slave
Control the 2 arduinos with one bluetooth lserial

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I get that, what module are you using?
You need a bluetooth module like BlueSmirf or something like that.

I will buy this


How much are you willing to spend on it?

about $200 ... $100 for 20 servos... and $100 for other things like the Arduinos Mega and another things for my robot... (now I only have The arduino One)

Where in gods name are you going to get 20 servos for $100?

$116 haha!

What is this robot going to do?

Self-Transforming Mobile Robot - YouTube this robot..

why do i copy? because I am 17years old.. and i am learning... and I think that this is a good project... I will control it with a program written by me with a graphical interface... :slight_smile: