How can I disable Arduino's internal pull-ups, to use Sparkfun 6DOF IMU?


I'm a Newbie trying to set up an Arduin Nano v3 with the Sparkfun IMU 6DOF ITG3200/ADXL345 and I'm following this example by Oscar Cornelis Rutger den Uijl. by

How can I disable the pull-up in the wire.h library? In the sixth paragraph, Mr. Uijl mentions adjusting the twi.c file, but I can't find it on my system. I'm using Arduino 1.0 on OSX10.4.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm still very new to Arduino.



The twi code is in /libraries/Wire/utility/twi.c (where depends on your install)

Near the start there are these lines:

  digitalWrite(SDA, 1);
  digitalWrite(SCL, 1);

All you need to do AFAICT (no need to change the library code) is after every call to TwoWire.begin() do this:

  digitalWrite(SDA, LOW);
  digitalWrite(SCL, LOW);

to disable the pullups

I'm using Arduino 1.0 on OSX10.4.

On my 10.7 (and Arduino 1.0) open Applications, right click on the an select "Show Package Contents", then go to Contents/Resources/Java/libraries/Wire/utility/