Good day,
With an Arduino Uno, there is a 3.3V pin. I suppose, it is used to power another module with 3.3V.
I need to power a GPS module which need, .. 3.3V. That Modulde need fist to put HIGHT the STDBYn pin (GPS) with the pin 13 of Mini Pro, and then (after 40ms) then GPS_VCC pin with 3.3V.
I would like to know if the Arduino Mini pro has a 3.3V pin to power my module, or can I power that module with the Mini pro
Finally, How can I make smethink like a switch. When the pin 12 of the Mini pro is HIGHT, the pin GPS_VCC is powered with 3.3V, otherwise GPS_VCC pin is at the ground.
Thank for your help, specialy regarding the 3.3V output
I think it unlikely you'll be able to power a GPS module with the 50mA available from the 3.3V pin - check the module spec.
Why do you consider this to be an Installation and Troubleshooting question?
You need an external 3.3v regulator. You would need this on the Uno if you don't want to overheat the regulator (which will at best result in unreliable operation as the regulator goes into thermal shutdown, or at worst burns out the regulator). GPS modules usually need a couple hundred mA, they're major power hogs (surely you've noticed this on your smartphone)
If you're interfacing with a 3.3v GPS module, you may want to run the board at 3.3v - otherwise, you'll probably need to do some level shifting.
This looks like it should be moved to general electronics section, imo.
If you use the 3v3 version of the mini pro, then sure. If you want to turn on and off the gps device either put it to sleep or use a transistor to switch.
Dear all. thank for your replies, I will check that later