How can i go form 12,5a to 10a for a relais?


I'm a bit stressed because I have to exhibit tomorrow but my installation is not working properly yet.
In short, I want to control a wiper motor by using a relay. For this, I use a power supply that produces about 12v and 12.5A. Now the motor works properly, but I can't control it with a relay. I personally think it's the maximum amperage because my small relay can only handle 10A.

Are there very short-term relays for sale that can handle 12.5A (do you know a shop near Utrecht) and/or is there a way to go back to 10A from the power supply? OR are there any other options I'm not aware of?

I hope I've provided enough information for someone to answer my question (I'm eternally grateful to them) because as you may have figured out, I'm an absolute noob at this.

I'd love to hear!

Do you really want to save time? Post a diagram of your system. How is the relay driven? Is it a self made circuit or a module? What relay is it?

You have definitely not provided enough information!

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I assume the control you want is to turn the motor on and NOT to turn the motor off. Use a DPDT relay with the connections in parallel.

You also didn't say what went wrong - why you "can't use" the relay.

Yep, more info required. Perhaps your relay has fused due to the collapsing field from the motor creating voltage spikes and no fly back diode

Its al regular stuff. So this would be my circuit:

With the only diverse that my input is not 20 but 12,5a. Is there a simpel and fast way to tackle this?

And when i need a different relais, what kind of can i use what would work with a 5v arduino?

@kylianjonkers2, your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Installation and Troubleshooting is not for problems with (nor for advice on) your project :wink: See About the Installation & Troubleshooting category.

What is the unlabelled part between motor and relay

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