I have a group project this semester and we need to make a fully autonomous vehicle that can pick up objects. we have to make it with minimum budget. We tought we can create a coordinate plane. Is there a way we can do this with arduino mega 2560?
what should it do?
The vehicle needs to pick up cubes and drop them into the area where a cross has been made inside the square with a black tape (the area is not known until due time and the teacher can change the location of square). In the same area, our vehicle should not hit the Pringles boxes and walls in the area. In the area there are three red cubes and three pringles boxes which colors are red, green and blue and since our teacher wants us to keep the budget to a minimum, we will only use HC-SR04 and color sensors in the project. We thought that if we first find the square area and set 0,0 in the coordinate, we can handle the rest more easily.
well, Mega2560 has most RAM of any other 8bit Arduino. so yes, Mega is OK. probably such program is already in the web.
The Arduino is not the issue.
The issues are how the robot will measure distances traveled, and locate its position on the "coordinate plane".
Wheel encoders, color sensors or cameras (to detect objects) and distance sensors (to locate and measure distances to walls) are handy for this.
cameras on a MEGA might prove challenging to deal with if you need any good resolution for a color image (a simple 320 x 240 pixels image 75 KB even if you code Colors on 1 byte)
For something like an Uno or a Mega, the Pixy2 camera automatically detects colored blobs, or lines and intersections, and returns the center of mass coordinates, taking up no memory for images.
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