How can i make array ?

i need help to understand array and an example on it

There are some built into the IDE.

I gave you a sample in the last post you made.

(int, char, byte) array["how big you want it]

look at this:

You should really go over the Arduino refference pages

Explanations will keep you confused, check the examples, play around with it, use SerialPrint to monitor your results, theres no re - soldering to do, and it is so rewarding when you finally get the idea !!

Completely agree with Boffin1. Dive into the arduino examples and see how they are using arrays. An array is just a collection of variables and you can use them like led[0], led[1], led[2], instead of led0, led1, led2. The best feature of an array is the index can be a variable (or expression) too so you can use a loop to read or assign values if you iterate i from 0 to 2. For led1, led1, led2, you can't use an array to assign values.