How can i sending data in SD Card to automatic e-mail address?

I have developed a program that records the card ID, the time and date read in the data.txt file of the card we read in the Arduino program. I want to write a code that automatically sends the "data.txt" file where this data is saved to the e-mail address I specify every day. Can you help me?

You need to connect to the internet to send the e-mail. How are you going to do that? WiFi? cellular? Once you decide that find hardware to support you choice and figure out how to use it.

If you are going to use WiFi look for articles on the esp8266 and esp32 and e-mail. There is a lot of info on using them.

once you have the required hardware as suggested by @oldcurmudgeon have a look at arduino-send-email

what Arduino module are you using ?
to send an email you will require internet conectivity, e.g. Ethernet or WiFi, plus local router to connect too

I don't have a module for connection yet. If I can find the code I will get the esp8266 and complete the application. But I could not find anywhere (training video etc.) with which code to send automatic mail every day to the data.txt file in the sd card.

what are you using to collect data and save to an SD card?

I am using sd card module. The data is transferred to the file with the code I wrote above

Here is the example I used.

If you use an esp8266 (or esp32) You can use the onboard flash for file storage if the files are not too large. Use LittleFS as SPIFFS is outdated.

ESP-Mail-Client for Send Attachment File from SD Card

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