How could i connect to arduino's ?

I am making a ROV, and i want to use one arduino at the top to read my controlls, and send signal down to another arduino that will controll the thrusters. Any ideas?

How about the build in serial ports :slight_smile:

(if you have a wire going down to the ROV)

Hey. That easy? We tried yesterday by connecting tx -rx visa versa. But we onlo managed to get one led to dim. At
S soon as we connected another pot and another led, it started to mix the signals. What i want is to controll 6 transistors and 2 relays. So mixing signals would be a big problem:P

Yes i do have a wire going down:) planned 4x0,5

You will need code to send data on one side and code to receive data on the other... Have you done that? Can we see the said code?

I don't know what depths you're planning to reach, but the UART signals aren't gonna let you go far. Try looking up RS485 communication drivers to be sure you get communication over bigger lengths.