Hi everyone,
This question isn't about code that has broken, but code that I managed to fix today, but I really don't know why it works! -
My project is an early prototype of a clock that will eventually use Adafruit Neopixels to communicate the time. I have built a series of timers programmed into the code that print to the Serial Monitor. One of the timers (in the code it's called DialPos) is supposed to count in seconds and will eventually light the neopixels more brightly in sequence.
Here is my code - I have commented the error I made (in referencing DialPos after the first block of integer equations) and the fix I made (actually putting DialPos after the for loop that calculates the equation).
When DialPos was in the first position (now commented out), it was returning '11'. Now, it counts up from 0, and resets at 11. My question is: Why has this change of the code structure fixed my problem?
// establish integers
long time;
int Tsecs;
int DialPos;
int realsecs;
float secs;
int Rsecs;
int Gsecs;
int Bsecs;
void setup() {
void loop() {
float Step = 1.5; //Step is the brightness increment for the non-colour time indication
time = millis();
realsecs = time / 10;
Rsecs = (realsecs + 4500) % 6000;
Gsecs = (realsecs + 500 ) % 6000;
Bsecs = (realsecs + 2500) % 6000;
Tsecs = (realsecs) % 6000;
// DialPos = (Tsecs / 500); // position that didnt work - started at 11 and didn't change.
float DialPosArray[12];
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
if (DialPos = j) {
DialPosArray[j] = Step;
else {
DialPosArray[j] = 1;
DialPos = (Tsecs / 500); // new position that does work - counts from 0, resets at 11
Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(" ") ;
Serial.print(Tsecs); Serial.print(" ") ;
Serial.println(DialPos); Serial.print(" ") ;
Thanks in advance,